Skin Crawl Time…

Skin Crawl Time…

Hows this for a fat P.O.S (Warning your skin will crawl if you have a favorable view of veterans and a shred of moral fiber)

Found at Everyday no days off gun blog:

Now if this P.O.S happens to be in your location maybe you might want to ask him some pointed questions. This is one of the lowest life forms on the planet. But it’s typical of our society under our no holds barred liberalism… Thanks Democrats, good job there.

There should be no problem finding this ignorant FK and charging him with fraud. IF indeed he did what he says he did. IF he didn’t do anything then he’s just a stupid fk trying to get youtube hits… Either way the SOB hasn’t seen his toes in years it looks like and he don’t look hungry. Must be getting cash somewhere. Perhaps MOMMY needs to see what little Johnny is up to in her basement.

UPDATE: Well, it’s starting to make a bit of sense now.. A Ron Paul supporter.

3 Replies to “Skin Crawl Time…”

  1. If this loser was ever in the military, he was probably detailed to guard a deserted crossroad with a wooden rifle while waiting to be recycled through basic after being guest of honor at his company’s blanket party. Man, what a waste of skin.

    1. Bob, This asshole was never in the military. I’ve been around military vets all my life and NONE of them would let themselves go this bad. Not to mention, any vet would know that faking a higher rank would get your ass whooped. This clown is just a typical lefty who supports ronnie.

  2. Rob, there is NO SUCH THING as a SANE Ron Paul supporter, those words just don’t go together… And THAT is why I cut a couple of links off of MY list when they came out in support of Ron F’n Paul…

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