Shirley Sherrod, Sorry?

Shirley Sherrod, Sorry?

Um No. I saw the video, I heard the story. All one has to do is replace black with white and reverse the rolls in her story and.. Then ask yourself, would this be “Reasoned” away?…

The NAACP and the Obama Admin would call a beer summit or something and leave the charge of racism on the table. The person would not be “Offered her job back” and the MSM would be dissecting the white persons reamarks for weeks..

I keep hearing about the “Closing the chapter in history” regarding race relations. That chapter has been closed, it’s only RACISTS that keep opening the book…Or Hallmark Card.

2 Replies to “Shirley Sherrod, Sorry?”

    1. Yep Sarge, the white person that did the EXACT same thing Sherrad did would be crucified on every liberpuke network for at least a week. AND would not be mentioned as a “Victim” Bet on it.

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