Race War Coming

Race War Coming

Some so called columnist named Fatima Ali, that OBVIOUSLY supports Barack Hussein Obama writes:

We need Obama, not 4 more years of George Bush

“If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness – and hopelessness!”

Well I knew it, I think a lot of folks are thinking it, and I just hope the MAJORITY of Americans are not worried about it. I don’t give a damn one way or the other. If Obama doesn’t win, and some of his supporters start burning and breaking stuff in my area they will be dealt with. IF Obama wins and his supporters start burning and breaking stuff in my area they will be dealt with. I have a BFG and a BFD and the will and ability to use both in defense of my family. (Big F-n Gun, and Big F-n Dog.)

The media is playing it’s usual roll of deflecting questions away from Obama, and right onto Palin, I knew it would happen, and I am extremely disappointed that the major news stations are sucking Obama’s teet as publicly as they are. This will backfire on the Demorat’s and so far the HIGH road is occupied by Palin, and McCain.

The sewer dwellers that are members of CNN, MSNBC, Sorros, KO’s, and HUFPO, will wish they stuck to the issues in November. because attacking the daughter of a candidate shows exactly how “Elite” the Demorats really think they are. Democrats aren’t terrible Liberal’s are, the difference is the Democrats that are sticking to the issues, KUDO’S to you. The Libtards that are all about Palin’s daughter are the Sewer Dwellers.

One other thing:

Has anyone took into account that Anbar has been turned over to Iraqi’s? That is HUGE but th eMSM is not mentioning it? it is going to be US folks, it is going to be up to US the RIGHT side to get the message out because the Media is so far left it will have soluting the “One” in no time.

19 Replies to “Race War Coming”

  1. @TexasFred: Please wait till AFTER the Election to see if you need it… NO First strikes Fred, you need to wait. PLEASE, for the love of GOD Wait Fred…. :rotflmao:

  2. The entire DAMNED media is in the Left Wing’s pocket and that’s more abundantly clear and obvious than at any other time in this nation’s history. I’ve been around for close to 60 years and I’ve NEVER experienced such a complete LACK of overall curiosity or inclination to investigate ANY aspect of an issue if it remotely has something to do with a Demorat or a Leftist/Socialist idea.

    And yet — and yet — McCain STILL manages to run roughly neck-and-neck with the Obamessiah.

    Troops: STOP listening to the fucking DEM/MSM, REFUSE to purchase their dwindling newspapers, REFUSE to fuel their TV dreams, their further forthcoming Leftist anti-war films.

    I can tell you right now that, post-Palin, the Obama Campaign and the DEM/MSM are in PSH Mode right now. For those unfamiliar with that acronym, that’s Pants-Shitting Hysteria.


  3. @Bloviating Zeppelin: You know I don’t agree with McCain pulling his interview with CNN, I think he should have stayed with it, EVERYONE sees the bias even Democrats, at least the ones that will say they voted for Obama but actually vote for McCain..And trust me there will be enough of those folks to put McCain over the top.

  4. The time when you whites can stake us is over. In 2050 there will be ober 70 million blacks. That is numerical strength. We have nothing to fear. We can burn you alive if we wish. South of the border there are a further 200 millions blacks of various hues. Africa will have 2 billion alone. When we are done with you, you will learn the day you ever touched us.

  5. @Sam: Please samm be the first in my AO will you? I can’t wait to meet ya… Some whitey’s are scared of you brutha’s, Not me my friend… see ya soon punkin.

  6. Sam :finger: ,
    Aye, sorry mate, there are ALREADY 2 BILLION Chinese in the world, and I would stand with the NON-RACIST crowd.

  7. Not only has Anbar been turned over to the Iraqis, so have many other provinces. 12 of 18, if I recall. I should know… I’m IN Iraq right now.

    And the media distorts the facts with regard to the war. CLINTON set the foreign policy that dictated removal of Saddam Hussein. SO this war is as much Clinton’s war as Bush II’s war. Bush only took action, and rightly so on a variety of fronts.

    Media are a bunch of morons, as are many American’s who do not have a clue as to why our foreign policy is set the way that it is or any inkling of history. The U.S. is on its way down, and I’m not sure if I want to continue living in populated areas of the U.S. Might have to consider moving to MT, WY, etc. to get away from idiots.

  8. Sam,

    This is the problem with so many blacks. You construe everything as being racist, then taunt people. You get what you deserve. If you want to see racism in action, come to South Caroina. My (white) wife and I have been victims of black-on-white racism twice in the past year. Black parents are teaching their children to be racists (I had 4 youths run after me calling me “whitey”, etc. while I was out training for a marathon.) The problem won’t end until every stops being racist.

    That said, I dread the day when people of your ilk decide to start stirring up a race war at home, destabilizing the U.S. for years. I can tolerate people of other races, but I can’t tolerate blacks who claim that whites actively seek to oppress them in today’s society. Racism works both ways, and the media needs to tell the truth–black-on-white racism is just as bad in the U.S.–and probably worse now–as white-on-black racism.

  9. @Mike: First off thanks for your service my friend not all of us are from Berkley. The media is the enemy’s best friend and all I can say is I’m glad they weren’t like they are now back in WW2.

    Montana/Idaho/Wyoming is a great area and it might be the last area in America that resembles what America once was.

  10. I can’t wait, no jobs finances gone, no hope ,Race war bring it on I can’t wait! we all have nothing to loose!

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