Pre-Debate Romney vs Obama Thoughts

Pre-Debate Romney vs Obama Thoughts

I find it funny that Candy Crowley is going to moderate the debate. That being said I really don’t care. IF Bill Maher was to be moderator it would matter not to me.

Think about it this way. The last debate was moderated by a PBS lefty and Romney cleaned Obama’s clock. The issue is simple TRUTH wins if the messenger is intelligent enough to send the message. Romney has TRUTH on his side.

Here’s another fact: Our nation has moved so far left that going to the center is considered extreme. Think about that. I’m a hard core conservative. Slightly right of Atila the Hun. I freely admit that. And I am ALL IN with Romney. So are MANY of my conservative friends. We see the nation as losing it’s founding principles, we know where we are headed. Romney is a centrist at best. But he’s also FAR RIGHT of Obama and his regime. We have to take the victory’s as they come I guess.

For those of you who would say “You can vote for Gary Johnson” You can kiss my ass. I have NOTHING in common with that stupid son of a bitch. I have little in common with Romney either but I’ll be damn if I’ll vote for the dennis kucinich of the R party. Sorry. You want to vote for him, have at it. But I’d advise you to just not vote, because if Obama does win YOU will be the smaller target on my radar. Voting for GJ isn’t a vote for common sense or your principles it’s a vote that says “Hey I want to be able to say I didn’t vote for the lesser of 2 evils” all while the SCOTUS goes Obama left and our rights get yanked at warp speed. With Romney, his base support will keep his hands off gun issues other than SUPPORT the 2nd amendment. THATS A FACT.

My advice:

Watch the debate, vote and prepare for the worse while hoping for the best. 

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