Obama’s Press Conference: Missing Flags?

Obama’s Press Conference: Missing Flags?

I watched about as much of the presidents press conference the other day as I could take. After about 10 minutes I had to throw up. I wondered why this particular appearance by the WON made me so ill. Was it the lies, the blame or the feeling that a large amount of smoke was being blown up my hindquarters? I never really put my finger on it until this evening when I read I own the World blog

Did anybody notice at President Obama’s Press Conference on the Deep Water Horizon disaster than something was missing in the background? I noticed something didn’t look right and then it hit me. The American Flags was missing behind. Why? Behind him was just yellow curtains, and a couple of gold columns with chandeliers.

I went and researched and looked at all photos of many press conferences (not press briefings) of past presidents as far as I could go and low and behold the American Flags stood proudly behind the President or off to the side. What was the reason for this? This was Obama’s first formal press conference since July of 09 which at that conference were U.S. Flags present. I am pretty sure this time that they had plenty of time to plan this and get it right?

So, maybe there was another motive for the flags absence. We know Obama (or his handlers) carefully choreograph his image, his appearances… It’s why he’s so teleprompter-dependent. Surely he and his advisers know that flag issues have been a lightning rod — even before he was elected. I think this was deliberate. Could it be that Obama really is ashamed of America? Could it be that he thinks he is the citizen of the world which has no flag?

Ladies and gentlemen this is very disturbing coming from the office of the Presidency. This is not normal to not have the symbol of the United States and its government in the east room of the White House and it is not very Presidential either. Many patriotic brave men and women have died under the stars and stripes called old glory. This fiasco coupled with the President skipping the laying of the Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetary this Memorial Day speaks volumes of the man (or Usurper) that sits in the Oval Office. What say you?

Holy crap, that was the problem, I felt a huge relief after I read the posting. I was truly worried that I had actually become a racist because that press conference made me so mad but I didn’t know why. Alas, I’m not a racist I’m an American and our dear leader is NOT. I believe in America, our dear leader spits on our accomplishments. I believe in the power of the American people and our warriors past, Obama spits in their face on the day we honor them.

Yes 2012 can’t come soon enough.

25 Replies to “Obama’s Press Conference: Missing Flags?”

  1. Well he is the Imposter in Chief – nothing like validating that shit yourself!

    1. No shit. The man in the office is but a child. The man in the office has no sense of country, duty or honor and that office expects ALL of them. The man is not only lazy, but a poor leader, an anti-semite and above all dangerous to our very existence. As far as I’m concerned if we survive the Obama years it will take us 20 years to unfk the nation.

    1. Yes he does and yes I did. We’ll see how long it takes before some liberpuke messes it up. I got a plan B though….

  2. Proof for history – he was wearing that flippin’ pin.

    PLEASE do NOT get me wrong but the idiot has ZERO choice about “lapel pin(s)” for the day. Secret Service determines DAILY which pin is “I.D. pin Identifier of the day.” !!

    And another thing about his MISSING the Annual Presidental Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. Does ANYONE think that the Sentry On Duty would “take cover” because of rain and/or lightening ??

    NEVER !!

    But our shmuck residing at 1600 Pa. Ave. CANNOT even make
    his DUTY day. And one can BET ‘serious money’ he WOULD
    bail. THAT is just plain SHAMEFUL !!!

    1. Good point Ed and a lapel pin for a sitting POTUS is not enough. You are supposed to be representing the country and by NOT having the flags by your side you are showing the world you have contempt for it. I submit this is a treasonous act. His advisers are all scum and he is the head scum. Liberty is not a right granted by God, it is granted by US and we must fight to KEEP it.

  3. Sorry folks, the 1st line of above SHOULD have been a QUOTE from Lee !! -:)

  4. Robert, AGREED.

    Now is it possible to get AWAY from potus and re-name to something closer to the truth??

    PITAoUS ??


  5. Also, why would you need teleprompters at a news conference? (unless, of course, you know in advance what the questions are. 😀 .)

    1. Damn good question Dorothea, if he only used them for the opening statement I’d understand, but you see he’s reading during the Q&A…Shouldn’t surprise anyone though, the state run media tells them what they will ask

  6. :nono:
    vote people, vote!
    Get the word out, and not just to each other!
    every conservative or “independent” family has a liberal or two in them….make sure they are on your mail out list!
    Vote against the incumbent!
    Take politics back to what it was designed to be….a part time job for citizens, not a full time job for Poli- Sci majors and attorneys!

    Origins: The first photograph displayed above is taken from a press conference held by President Obama in the East Room of the White House on 27 May 2010 to address issues related to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. On this occasion, it was the case that no U.S. flags were present (within visible camera range) in the East Room. However, the implication in the accompanying text that the lack of flags demonstrates President Obama to be engaging in a form of unprecedented, aberrant presidential behavior is erroneous.

    Although it is typical practice that U.S. flags are present as a backdrop whenever the President of the United States holds a press conference or engages in other types of public appearances (as shown in the photographs of other recent Presidents displayed above), such displays are not always present. Due to other factors (e.g., an event’s nature, or its being impromptu, or its being held at an unusual location), an opportunity to set up U.S. flag backdrops may be missed or skipped, so it’s not hard to turn up photographs of the other recent Presidents referenced above addressing the press with no U.S. flags visible anywhere:

    And, of course, the “flag as backdrop” press conference is a relatively recent artifact of round-the-clock cable television news coverage. In the days before all press conferences were routinely televised, Presidents typically held such conferences in much more informal settings, as President Lyndon Johnson is shown doing below:

    Last updated: 8 June 2010
    The URL for this page is http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/photos/pressconference.asp

  8. C’mon uneducated people. Do you blind followers ALWAYS believe these stories? Check out the TRUE story here http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/photos/pressconference.asp
    Get a life and quit being a blind sheep. Be sure you read the entire Snopes story and see the pictures of those same presidents holding press conferences without flags. Are you so naive?? Besides, if you had an educated brain in your head, you might just think that maybe the flags were out of camera range. I hope that foot you stuck in your mouth tastes good. Quit being a follower and think for yourself.

  9. I’ll say this one time and one time only and this is for the idiot Buddy Gold.

    Uneducated? That’s typical of a liberpuke. Everyone is “Uneducated” if they don’t follow the mantra of Obama…Fuck you.

    If you happen to notice the “other” Presidents that were giving pressers, most of them looked Impromptu. The Oil Spill had been going on for over a month. Obama had not given a press conference is over 200 days. Obama has been ducking the questions that folks want answers too. Obama in his first presser in over 200 days had a lot of time especially just prior to MEMORIAL day to have the appropriate flags with him on the stage. But I guess when you are blindly sucking the liberpukes dick you don’t see it…Too bad, you are so embeded in obamas ass crack that you can’t see where the idiot is taking the nation. When ou finally see it, it will be too late…Wake the hell up assholes.

  10. I’ve not been able to find any vids of this conference on Google. Have they been scrubbed off? A libtard that I sent the photo to claims it was Photo-shopped to remove the flag. Know of any sites with a vid?

    1. Charlie; You didn’t look hard enough.

      Remember how our POTUS remembered our dead on Memorial day? how about his lack of statement on the D-Day Aniv? The fact is this asshat is anti-American, and a total liberpuke we got what we elected and I hope you fucknuts that voted for the moron are happy with the wonderful leadership…SARCASM

  11. If you’re going to support your proposition by a reference to a snopes.com cite you might as well reference the President’s press secretary. No one should be be fooled by snopes.com anymore. A quick search using key words “liberal”, “bias” and “Snopes” will quickly teach that anything snopes.com reports should be discounted as much (if not more) than the urban myth e-mails that get circulated on the Web.

  12. 🙁 Without question, our country has fallen into the hands of a man and his drones who seem to have only personal gain as the objective of the Presidency. As a senator from the state of Illinois, he virtually did nothing. He didn’t even show up to vote the majority of times in D.C. I suspect he was too busy rounding up those in Hollywood (and Oprah) to help support his future run for the Presidency. That is a good question anyway…where did all of his campaign money come from? He certainly outspent McCain/Palin while gaining support of the liberals that move and grove to the Hollywood crowd–wanna be a Sheen, wanna be a Letterman, Leno, Winfrey, and on and on. I don’t understand what has evolved in the intellect of the American public that they rest their morals, ideals, and future on a bunch of actors/actresses anyway…can’t you realize that they make the large salaries by PRETENDING to be something they aren’t. That being the case, why do so many trust their judgment when it comes to things that matter…really matter in our Country. This series of pictures did upset me but this is not the first thing (and I am certain not the last thing) that this man has done (or will do)since his being sworn into office that has caused me to raise an eyebrow, or stop to say a prayer for the safety of our country. He is arrogant and every solitary picture ever shown of this man shows him with his chin at that I’m better than you are angle that he loftily lifts…a staged performance each time he is visible. He wants to give the image that he is a charismatic, caring, intelligent person and I cannot believe that so many people have bought it. He has one agenda while he is in D.C. and it is not what will be best for the United States of America. My family has been a group of patriots…soldiers fighting in one war or another from the Spanish/American War through Desert Storm. They are men who have Purple Hearts, Bronze Stars for Valor, and a variety of other medals for their accomplishments as men who fought to defend the rights, freedoms, and privileges of this country. I was horrified that this man was apologetic for our country to those who have not befriended us while at the same time, snubbing Israel (better be careful snubbing the select children/land of God Almighty!). I shudder to think that our country who heretofore has maintained good relations with Israel would put herself in shaky territory because the Muslim we have in the White House doesn’t care. (Ahhh! You know he is Muslim. You saw the videos of him in his Muslim clothing in the Mosque prior to election just as I did.) He doesn’t care about our military–if he did, they why of all things would he NOT go to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for the placing of the wreath. I should think that even for Obama (if he has any pride at all in this country) that would have been an honor. He has shown very little concern for the oil spill and the damage that it is producing through the entre Gulf region. He has made, what two?, trips to LA to look at the beach and pick up a piece or two of tar. Goodness knows, that was a photo opportunity so he could say “look I did this.” Who knows how long, if ever, the Gulf and the states at its shore will take to recover from this travisty. He has held two press conferences and, for my part, it would be fine with me if he didn’t have one at all. He doesn’t tell the truth when he is giving answers, and only select reporters are identified and allowed to question anyway and you cannot possibly believe that those are main street American reporters? You have to know that he is going to select some liberal proponnent of his long trail of stories to even ask a question in the first place. And, responses to those reporters are pre-prepared. I know that other Presidents who have held office have made mistakes…we are all human regardless of how high we might rise in the political arena and wish that others would see us for what we are not. This man has been in office for 1 1/2 years now…how long can he continue to blame Presidents who have preceeded him for the troubles his adminsitration has brought to this country…mounting debts, healthcare plans, foreign policies…it is a bag of worms. I pray for my country and one of the things I pray for daily is that in 2012, we shall have a newly elected President who has the best wishes and desires for our country at the heart of his (or her) campaign and that he will usher it into the White House with him and begin to turn this country back around to a country that is based on the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the Pledge of Allegience…and yes, that we would proudly declare once again that we are “One Nation Under God”.

  13. 🙁
    One rational soul stands up and points out the absurdity of this with a reference to snopes where , whether you want to believe in their words or not, it SHOWS pictures of other presidential conferences where the flag was not displayed. Next you’ll say THOSE were Photoshopped. This same kind of mean spirited mud slinging has been going on and growing because of a liberal complacency. Thats what needs to end. To those making a mountain where there is not eveen a molehill, we’ll just have to group you with those who believe the earth is flat, there was no holocaust and evolution is a homosexual Jewish plot. You’ll be comfortable there.

    1. Jerry, the point you miss is NOT that other Presidents have done it…(Although that is the Chicago way) Other Presidents Pro-AMERICAN views WERE NEVER IN QUESTION! Kennedy, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Clinton, Bush 1 and 2 NEVER had the question asked if they loved this country…IT WAS NEVER IN DOUBT! This particular President has been anything BUT American in his actions and INACTION’S. Obama had 200+ days to plan for this press conference, why would he not have the proper regalia on his stage. This just helps prove the point that this is a usurper in chief and NOTHING close to a PRESIDENT!

      You can keep your head in the sand, and you can keep whining about how we are mean spirited…By the way, did you feel that way when you were bashing GWB? Funny how all ofthe sudden it’s mean spirited…There is one fact you seem to miss.. Obama got into office by blaming all the worlds ills on GWB, NOW he’s the one making the decisions and and they are not panning out like he promised…And he’s catching the same exact abuse he gave to the last POTUS.. sucks huh?….

      Ask yourself one more question if you have the nuts. IF the situation was reversed do you think Obama would be as classy as GWB and NOT CRITICIZE his replacement? Clinton didn’t… Funny, a class act is performed by the devil incarnate according to the Liberpukes…GWB has not said anything about the bullshit this asshat is pulling….Liberpukes like to think they have the high ground…You guys are a bad fuckin joke.

  14. You people hate this prez because you are seething with racist hate. You are blind to your own emotion, blaming him for unspecified instances of “hatred of America.” You don’t see him as American because he’s not white and you project that racist gut reaction on everything he does, even if it is totally innocuous and every other (white) president can and has done the same thing. This flag controversy is a perfect example.

    I believe that I can see tangible evidence of ignorance and bigotry on every word of this page and it makes me sick to read your words. I am proud to be an American and I am proud of our president and our country — but I am ashamed that we have such small minded bigots in our midst.

    1. So lets see Seer, you must have hated Bush because he was white then right? I don’t give a flying figleaf if Obama was green yellow or polkadots he’s a fkin disaster to our nation and that’s where my “Hate” is. And it’s also fairly distributed to folks like you who love to throw the racist moniker around.. keep on man I like it…

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