NO White Male Construction Workers

NO White Male Construction Workers

I think this video is telling of where the perception of the Obama administration will be. Let us pay those that don’t work, and take more from those that do. I’m real glad my kids are grown because I would hate to have to explain this type of thinking.

Here we are, day two of the Obamanation and we are already starting the stomp on Whitey dialog. Can we get a WHITE MLK? Come on We can overcome!

Socialism started way before this video, but now that Obama is the man, time to see where it goes… I am waiting for the kids in High School to get a Caucasian Club.

21 Replies to “NO White Male Construction Workers”

  1. Yeah, this is going to go just the way it looks to be going. Just like all social service freebies, whitey get’s jerked around and everyone else get’s to go home with free checks. I aint driving on new bridges after this year though.

  2. The best and the brightest should be pursued to continuously improve our nation. Our leaders failed to notice that improvement comes from the quality of the worker not the intention of the project.

    Many will die if good intentions are the only quality placed into the construction of these projects. I hope this video is played at the grand jury who has to determine who committed the crime when good people die.

  3. I never had kids and some days I regret it. In this current society and economy, past decade, I’m glad I didn’t. My Caucasoid kids would not be the future of this state or nation and would find themselves less and less accepted. Unfortunately at this point, I can’t play the video. I’ll come back to do that on another confuser.


  4. Come on, we all knew this was coming. It started back when those articles came out last year saying,”How can late night talk show hosts mock THE ONE”, and not be seen as racist.

    The Whitey bashing will be in full effect until this asshat is voted out of office.

    1. @Jenn; IF whitey bashing is acceptable then it will be time to challenge it. By that I mean start or join organizations that promote the “White culture” I hear the KKK is having a surge in applicants LMAO.

  5. Well, if the Obamites are gonna bash *Whitey*, then *Whitey* needs to bash the Obamites and those that support them… :greensmiles:

    The South SHALL Rise Again… Non Silba Sed Anthar!

    1. @Fred, unfortunately you may be right, it may actually come to that type of confrontation depending on how Obama leads. IF he leads “center” we will weather the storm if he leads “Left” it may take confrontation to overcome.

  6. Whitey bashing, fat bashing and Jew bashing and Christian bashing, these seem to be the only acceptable groups to ridicule. And joinng the KKK is not gonna change it. And now we’ve got a president who not only condones it, he spent 22 years in a church supporting it.

  7. I am so sick and tired of how republicans/conservitives apparently have no one that knows how to fight a fight . How can one thing after another be exposed about this new regime, and the folks on “our side” are silent. But let one of our (Trent Lott comes to mind) guys “step out of line” and wham bam they are run out of town on a rial with no defence .
    The libs do and say whatever they want..not only are they not “roasted” about it but of they ever are them Dems swarm to their defense ( ala Tim guyten…. blatant tax cheating must be overlooked in his caase) When will we see a champion arise……… we have NO LEADERSHIP

    1. Dan, the Right is afraid of hurting feelings and looking like racists. The left can say anything they like because if the right challenges it, they will hurl the accusations of racism.

      It’s really simple, we either lose the PCness and call a *spade* a *spade* (read between the lines) or we succumb to the PCness that IS going to be the death of this nation… Once in a while a bit of *cleansing* is good for a nation…

      And we actually DO have some great leadership waiting for the right moment, but WE don’t have the money necessary to make a play on the big scene!!

  8. Okay, I’m a conservative Republican who voted for Bush twice and is none too pleased about Obama being in the white house, but do you all seriously think this is the best way to deal with it? Ranting about how “the blacks” and “the gays” are ruining society just doesn’t cut it anymore. We need to stop with the anti-intellectual “America is ARE country” crap and offer actual solutions to the nation’s problems. If you all think that the future of conservatism is latent prejudice and idiotic talking heads like Rush Limbaugh, then how can we hope to be any better than overly-PC Keith Olbermann fanatics?

    The way to take back the country is simple:

    1) Stop demonizing minority groups as wedge issues. You don’t have to like gay/black/hispanic/Muslim individuals, but who do you actually think you’re winning over when you spew invective about how those people are all terrible? Every time that happens, more and more of the nations youth (our current and future voters) turn away from conservatism.

    2) Recognize that “elite” is not a synonym for “liberal.” When did being a member of the “elite” become a bad thing? William F. Buckley, Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal – these are examples of they backgrounds we to be encouraging. Stop demonizing higher education (and education altogether) and encourage conservative thought. It’s hard enough for us conservatives dealing with the overwhelming liberalism in higher ed, we don’t need other conservatives deriding us as “Ivory Tower” types.

    3) Recognize the issues that are important and take a stand on them. 50 years from now, what issues do you think people will look back on and consider to have been the most important? I’m betting it’s not Prop 8/Gaza/Obama’s Pastor. Stop worrying about trivial things and focus on creating solutions to the real issues, like our fiscal policy, Social Security, and international approach. If conservatives don’t take the helm on these issues, the only options out there will be liberal ones.

    I have no idea if any of this will be read, or taken to heart, but I just came across this site and felt the need to share my thoughts. Any responses are welcome.


    1. Ben, You may be right about some of that, however; you must agree that our education system is BROKEN when the liberal thought is the only thought taught….(Say it 3 times fast) The other thing you seem to be missing is I AM NOT TRYING TO WIN ANYONE OVER. I doubt there is a libtard around that would see me or pretty much any conservative in the blogsphere as a shining light. I am simply trying to smack them upside the head with a hammer, and since that would be against the law, this will have to do.

      You must come back one day and tell me how wrong I am, maybe after the “chosen one” kills free speech or when more murderers are let out of prison and kill more innocent people. I am sick of being nice, I am sick of fucknozzles telling me “I should respect the new president” FUCK THAT, do you realize what GWB had to put up with? I think right now we need to make it as hard on INSANE Obama as the libtards did to Bush. But I tell you what if Obama does something GOOD I will be the first to say Good job to him…

      We are in day 3 and so far we have a tax cheat in charge of taxes, a bitch with her pockets lined with money from every country under the sun, as Sec state, we have just been told our tax money can now go to kill babies in other nations, and on top of that we are going to give 1 trillion dollars for a bailout part 2…. Can’t wait for the next 3 years and 362 days….

  9. Democrats [liberalism] love racism because it perpetuates victimization, thus requiring higher taxes visa-ve Larger government.

    Racism will never go away. And when Obama fails because expectations are so high, white America will once again take the blame because we ‘kept the black man down.’

    Liberalism is the politics of adolescents.

  10. Gary, you need to keep up. Now that Obama’s in charge whitey gets to say “the Man’s keeping us down”.

  11. Richard,

    White liberals will never allow whitey to claim victimization. 12.3 percent of America already have a corner on that misfortune.

  12. Hey G, your missing the point it’s all in the phrase. 12.3% any of that from Appalachia.

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