New laws for the Nanny State of California…

New laws for the Nanny State of California…

The worst law that goes in effect on 2-1-11 is this one:

New California state laws change Hand guns and Ammo

Thumbprints, ID required for the sale of ammunition: Actually passed during 2009, Assembly Bill 962, the “Anti-Gang Neighborhood Protection Act of 2009,” takes effect February 1, 2011.  The new law requires handgun ammunition sellers to record a buyer’s thumbprint along with other valid identification and make the records available to law enforcement for five years.

I love the way it’s worded “Anti-Gang Neighborhood Protection Act of 2009” This is a bullshit law from start to finish, the law abiding public will still obey the laws, the gang members and slugs of our society WON’T. PERIOD.

Just like most of the gun laws in NANNY STATES, they hurt law abiding citizens more than the criminals. The criminals still have outlawed guns and ammo. It will not help Law enforcement in California solve gang murders any more than the “Assault weapon” ban has stopped gang murders.

This particular law is only going to increase my gas usage, so liberals I hope you understand that MANY of us California residents will not buy ammo here because of this law. We will hop in our gas guzzling SUV’s and trucks and DRIVE to AZ where we will purchase Ammunition that will help Arizona’s economy. I plan on making at least 6 trips to AZ this coming year. As far as handguns, or rifles that I desire I will be buying them through friends and family in other states.

See us “Law abiding” citizens are still going to follow the laws of the land, we are smart enough to know when a law has gone too far.

This particular law is just another step toward eliminating our 2nd amendment rights here in California. The “Nanny State” seems to think they can legislate stupidity out of society. The way you do that is NOT by making more laws that hurt the law abiding, the way you do it is by making it so painful for the stupid that it’s not worth the consequences.

You keep gang murders down by PUNISHING Gang Members in a very BRUTAL manner. You USE the death penalty OFTEN, and you create laws that PUNISH THOSE IN GANGS.

I say let the gang members kill each other, hell if they need ammo holler I’ll provide all I can!

2 Replies to “New laws for the Nanny State of California…”

  1. Robert, you need to get the hell out of that bassackwards, anti-American “state”. Every true American in the state should abandon that sinking ship while they still can. Let moonbeam and pelosi have it…

    1. Uh yeah I do BillyBob, yes I do. I’m trying to change things around here but it aint working.. It’s too far gone. November showed me a lot. Too bad too, this state has some great qualities.

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