Netanyahu WINS in Israel…

Netanyahu WINS in Israel…

Congratulations Mr Netanyahu for his victory over Obama’s election rigging. Congratulations civilized world for avoiding the disaster of a weak Israel.

Bibi WINS And it wasn’t very close!

People should understand that America can because of geography play some games with leadership. We can survive and still succeed because of our location in the world and our population of 50+Percent who believe in hard work and have a moral compass that point NORTH!. Israel can’t take chances, they can only make ONE mistake and its over for their entire way of life, their entire nation…

To Obama with Love...
To Obama with Love…

Netanyahu is the leader Israel needs, the other is a denier of the wolves at the gates. We need a leader in America with half the leadership skills Bibi has. Obama isn’t fit to wash Bibi’s car much less sit in the same room with him.

Now though, get ready for: See, if Bibi wouldn’t have won, those rockets wouldn’t be falling on Israel now!!! Its coming. Just a matter of time before Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Nusra or whatever islamic non-islamic, job needing raghead group decides to attack Israel for whatever reason they come up with.

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