Nancy Pelosi and the President.

Nancy Pelosi and the President.

George Bush is the WORST president since the peanut farmer, but his approval rating has been higher than congress, over the last couple of days I can see why.
George Bush called for a bailout, and that’s fine as far as I’m concerned.
Let me explain:

The President, a man that will be leaving office in less than six months had an advisor and the treasury secretary tell him our economy was in dire straights and I can understand that. I can understand the “Urgency” in Bush’s voice while he announced to the nation the need for this bailout. He still needs to lead, and he is doing as he has done, lead poorly. To be expected IMO.

Here is where I might stray from the common reasoning of my friends:

This was Congress’s time to say “George Bush we are not afraid, we will look at your proposal and we will debate it, we will not be pushed into anything because you say it’s “Dire” you have used that line of bullshit enough”.


GWB says “We need to act quickly on this bailout” Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and the rest of the Democrat leaders jump to pass that plan over the weekend.
Ask yourself why?
My opinion is the GWB/Paulson plan is a typical DEMOCRAT plan in the way of Government sponsored welfare. Oh, and it’s better than that, it’s government welfare and it’s from a REPUBLICAN.  Don’t be confused by all the rhetoric about the bill Bush and Paulson put fourth, it was just not “giving” enough to all those crack heads in Chicago and San Francisco. THAT was the only “adjustments” needed to the bill by the Democrat leaders, it had to give more to those that have done NOTHING, paid nothing, and do nothing.

Pelosi made a huge mistake, she didn’t wait to distance herself and her ilk from the bill until it was passed. Pelosi made her victory speech while there was still time on the clock. The Democrat leaderships plan was to push for the passage of the bill which gave money to their buddies that couldn’t afford the homes they are living in, that were gained from the DEMOCRAT Community Reinvestment Act, and blame it all on the Republicans…


KUDOS to the Republicans and Democrats that voted NO on this bullshit.

McCain pushed for this bill too… That is troubling, but he needed to be seen as a problem solver and MAYBE he had a hand in STOPPING it by showing up and saying he was for it. There still are a few conservatives left in congress, who knew.
This is the second time I have not been happy with McCain, but for the second time WE stopped the bill he backed. I could get used to this.

While we need to fix some issues GWB let happen, WE don’t need more taxes, We don’t need wealth distribution, We don’t need abortion on demand, We don’t need to turn our guns in to the magistrate, We don’t need to be told what we can say, or not say.
Those are the issues that matter in this election, and that is the reason I will vote McCain/Palin.


the chosen one and his court

3 Replies to “Nancy Pelosi and the President.”

  1. Wow… All I can say is, ya better break out the BAN button, you’ll be inundated with moonbats over this little attack on liberalism…

    Damn good post too!! :devilsmiling:

  2. @Jenn: Well RINO maybe a better way to describe him… Oh well 2.5 Months and we might wish GWB was back in office…. SAD as that sounds it could happen.

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