Michael Moore in Wisconsin…Um got Credibility?

Michael Moore in Wisconsin…Um got Credibility?

I’ve said for many years, all you have to do is look to your left and to your right. See who is standing with you in your views to see if you are on the right path. Socialists, Communists, Racists, Liars and Thieves have came out in DROVES to support the “Unions” in Wisconsin. The biggest liar, thief and loser showed up yesterday.

Michael Moore rallies Wis. pro-union protesters

MADISON, Wis. – Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore urged Wisconsin residents Saturday to fight against Republican efforts to strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights, telling thousands of protesters that “Madison is only the beginning.”

The crowd roared in approval as Moore implored demonstrators to keep up their struggle against Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s legislation, saying they’ve galvanized the nation against the wealthy elite and comparing their fight to Egypt’s revolt. He also thanked the 14 state Democratic senators who fled Wisconsin to block a vote on the bill, saying they’ll go down in history books.

“We’re going to do this together. Don’t give up. Please don’t give up,” Moore told the protesters, who have swarmed the Capitol every day for close to three weeks.

Here are some quick quotes from King Michael Moore.

The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not ‘insurgents’ or ‘terrorists’ or ‘The Enemy.’ They are the revolution, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow – and they will win.
Michael Moore

There’s a gullible side to the American people. They can be easily misled. Religion is the best device used to mislead them.
Michael Moore

I like America to some extent.
Michael Moore

I don’t agree with the copyright laws, and I don’t have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people… as long as they’re not doing it to make a profit off it as long as they’re not, you know trying to make a profit off my labor. Michael Moore

There is no terrorist threat. Yes, there have been horrific acts of terrorism and, yes, there will be acts of terrorism again. But that doesn’t mean that there’s some kind of massive terrorist threat. Michael Moore

This is the guy you union goons are listening too?

Um I ask again in all seriousness have you lost enough credibility yet? Why not have Keith Olberman show up too? How about getting Hugo Chavez to do a few minutes on Government takeovers? Or Maybe get Fidel Castro to show up for the people… I mean good grief folks you just lost about half of those who were on the fence about your plight…Good move.

42 Replies to “Michael Moore in Wisconsin…Um got Credibility?”

  1. You have an excellent point about the goons and michael moore, but even more telling, obama supports them.

    Holy crap, you can’t get worse than that.

  2. Face it. You guys are just old white racists longin for the old days when a man carried a gun and reigned over his slaves. And this eagle. You know, birds are dumb. I don’t care if it IS an eagles. It’s a stupid bird. Shoot one with your gun and we’ll have it for dinner. I’m so sick of these damn eagles on every right wing site … I just found something we can agree on. They’re “endangered” right. That means their populations are getting low and the “govmt” needs to protect them. If these great and noble birds are so great, let em look after themselves like all true Americans. No more eagles. I’m cool with that.

    1. Dennis H.. See I let this comment through for one reason. It shows the mentality of the opposition. You sir are an enemy of my nation and as such should be moved or eliminated. Wear a sign will you? When the shooting starts I want to make sure my targets are clearly marked.

      I see you are from California, that really doesn’t surprise me at all… You are dain bramaged beyond repair.

  3. look after themselves like all true Americans.

    Hypocrisy to the n’th degree. Liberals, unions “look after themselves!” No, dorkhead they feed off the taxpayers.

  4. People are being hurt left and right. What ever happen to “together we stand divided we fall”. The level of anger on both sides is alarming. People are slowly running out of money just to survive. And all that is being accepted is yelling profanities at each other. If you take it to the street, than your a nasty liberal. Never mind you might actually be hungry because you are unable to find work, and well we do need a place to live. An the right winged folks, all you spue in negative stuff with no open ideas. Men get a life and do something useful with it

  5. carl; You said;

    “People are being hurt left and right. What ever happen to “together we stand divided we fall”

    Um, exactly WHO are these people? The very same people that are paying PUBLIC SECTOR WORKERS Salary? Do you understand WHY your employment package is a slap in our face? Let me spell it out for you: O-B-A-M-A… P-E-L-O-S-I… R-E-I-D.

    Where do your union due’s go? Do they go to the REPUBLICAN Party? Um NO. Why is unemployment in our nation so high? WHY is the budget of your state falling? of our nation? WHY oh WHY? See once you answer those questions HONESTLY you will see WHY we are so divided.

    Your pay package wouldn’t be that big of a deal IF Obama’s policies got us out of this recession. BUT NO, he has stuck us further in the hole by his anti-business stance. Where does your paycheck come from? Not the welfare people, not the unemployed, not unicorns. It comes from people WORKING. No Jobs, NO REVENUE. Businesses have fled in droves from high tax rates, over regulation and to top it all off YOUR HERO gave us OBAMA CARE…. We’ve been sacrificing, we’ve been unemployed, we’ve lost our bennies, we’ve got our HC cut… WHY NOT YOU?

    We are the middle class, and OBAMA has NOT been a savior of us, more of a killer. Tell me something genius, you ever been hired by a union?

  6. “Never mind you might actually be hungry because you are unable to find work, and well we do need a place to live.”
    When the average Wisconsin teacher receives over $100K in salary and contributions each year for nine months work? What an imbecilic statement.

    MacIver Institute: Salary & Benefits For Milwaukee P.S. Teachers Tops $100K

    Collective Bargaining Dollar Waste
    A Year’s Worth of Pay for 30 Days of Work

    Teachers Receiving Two Pensions

    Almost $10,000 Per Year for Doing Nothing

    No Volunteer Crossing Guards Allowed

    $6,000 Extra for Carrying a Pager

    Arbitrator Reinstates Porn-Watching Teacher

    ‘Outstanding First Year Teacher’ Laid Off

    Union Opposes Cost-Saving Lawn Mowing Program

    The $150,000 Bus Driver

    $150,000 Correctional Officers

    And More!

  7. Unbelievable! Where has our consideration for the middle class or even the common worker gone! Are the “fat-cat” teachers the cause of this countries trade deficit? The cause of the housing bubble? The fact that our GDP is lower than our consumption? Our corporations sold us out. Not only did they hand our jobs to china, India, Bangladesh, etc. etc… they turned around and sold it to all the while we believed our homes were valued at an astronomical price giving us a false sense of hope – oh and on uncollateralled credit. Blame the real culprits here, shame for going after the common worker – it’s just too easy!

    1. Evan, Obviously you don’t get it. The PRIVATE SECTOR UNIONS work for companies. The WISCONSIN Protest isn’t about middle class, nor is it really about unions. It’s about the PUBLIC SECTOR Unions. You know, the ones that back DEMOCRATS with YOUR MONEY, that has kept us in the recession rather than get us out?…. Read the other comment I made describing the issue and if you still don’t get it, you are an idiot.

  8. Robert, I’m not missing the point. Economic sides must be drawn. Whether or not you believe this is an issue of corporatism or big government or both, the bottom line is economic oppression. The blame lies w/ The fed, congress and especially the corporations. Wake up. We got screwed because we were lazy and didn’t pay close enough attention. Big government and spending have to stop but it’s not our teachers that drove us into the ground, it’s corporate favoritism, the trade deficit, out-sourced jobs, imperialistic warfare (which we can’t sustain) and now inflation and out of control government spending. Robert if this was 1789 France I wonder if you would be so willing to ostracize the working class so much.

    1. Evan YOU ARE Missing the point. Unions over all have done a GREAT JOB of making our nation safer and more profitable for the working man. GRANTED. This entire debacle in Wisconsin is because YOUR MONEY WENT TO DEMOCRATS IN DC. Do you think for one minute that Walker would have pushed for this bill if he didn’t need to balance the budget? IF he had revenue? If he had businesses that were hiring people?

      NO they would have found another way. The alternative to what Walker did was to RAISE TAXES on everyone, and cut welfare programs and layoff 1500 state workers. You are okay with 1500 workers being out of work? Jesus that’s harsh. You say it’s “businesses fault” that’s typical. Obama has created a business hostile environment. Businesses are NOT hiring, NOBODY working doesn’t bring MORE UNION DUES…Corporations lay off people based on profit margins. Your little temper tantrum in Wisconsin was an epic failure. WHY? because Americans see where your loyalties are. You would rather 1500 teachers, firefighters PD be laid off than make concessions. WHY?

      Oh you say it’s about collective bargaining? BULLSHIT. The reason that’s so important to your union thugs is: When the government has had to cut wages or bennies for the PUBLIC UNIONS, protests erupted, then they would give in and “Bargain” some other incentives that didn’t cut costs at all. It actually INCREASED the debt the state held. So Walker did what he had to do and I salute him.

      The Minute some government agency tries to go back that time in France you mention I’ll stand with you. As of right now the only thing happening is you are being forced to do what EVERY OTHER American has had to do since YOU GUYS ELECTED DEMOCRATS to ruin our nation. Tough shit.

  9. True the working class must make concessions Robert – but how many more. I regret my vote in ’08 but my loyalties aren’t to any party – it’s to the people of this country. Robert when are we allowed to dig in our heels? When can we say no? We don’t live in a democracy anymore – it’s a corporate governance. The money discrepancy is outta control and our modern day moguls make Morgan and Rockefeller look like capital amateurs. I’m FED up no pun intended.

    1. Evan, you regret your vote in 08? MILLIONS do, and the problem is YOU and those like YOU keep funneling money to those idiots. And you continue spouting the same talking points about Business. About corporations “Caused” this mess. THEY DIDN’T. And as soon as you folks stop with the envy and jealousy over “Who has what and why” and start saying that could be me in that house on the hill if I made better choices, decisions and work hard. Instead of blaming companies for doing what is profitable how about looking into why they aren’t hiring? Look at WHY they are moving to places with low taxes, low regulations and less costs….There is a middle ground, but we can’t get to the middle until the government gets out of the way.

      Your UNIONS have made the bed you are laying in now. You guys keep putting money in the democrats because you think they are looking out for you. The REPUBLICANS are the only party that truly looks out for workers. They have been pushing to get taxes LOWER so business stay in country. So they can HIRE people with the revenue and the revenue is paid into the tax coffers of states… WHICH PAY YOUR SALARIES! You can’t take the payers out of the system and keep getting paid.

  10. So it’s my lack of hard work and lack of industry and millions of other slackers just like me that drove this country into the ground. If you want to talk about free market let’s. Explain why our GDP is lower than our consption. Explain why we have the banks, corporations and the fed clogging up our free market. Why do we not produce anymore!!!! LOW-COST labor!!!!! Read a history book. The exploits of today ruined every other empire in history – it’s no different. Technology may change but people don’t. You don’t know what you talking about and I’d consider choosing a different side if this does turn into 1789 France or move there cause I dont think the Waltons will let in the doors when you come knocking.

    1. See Evan you still don’t get it. It’s not one issue causing all. It’s the combination of them all that create the environment we are in. IF the government didn’t OVER REGULATE and OVER TAX companies to pay for their pet projects and social welfare for ever. Perhaps they wouldn’t LEAVE states in droves. So if Walker decided that any business that employed over 50 people ould have to pay 2% additional state taxes to help close the budget gap and left you alone it would be okay right? Even though it would cost MORE private businesses to lay off people and others to leave or close up shop which costs more jobs and creates LESS state revenue. As long as YOU are not touched it’s okay right?

      Business people got to be business people by making smart decisions. You take away my profit margin to pay for your “Welfare slugs” and “Union thugs” I’m going to increase my prices, then I’m going to layoff my workforce to keep my bottom line unchanged. Kind of like that collective bargaining thing you clowns were whining about…

      You guys keep demonizing the businessmen, and think they are going to “Save” you by falling on a sword for you? Business owners across our nation have cut costs, cut their salary, cut their income to keep employing the people they have had for ever. You don’t hear about them do ya?

      You talk about corporations. Unions took the “Personal” touch from businesses these days and became a number. Many corporations had to lay off folks. Because of the unions they had to start with the newest hired. Regardless of skill or fit in the business. Soon after the layoff they closed up shop and all were out of work. But it makes it much easier for business owners when there is a union shop. Close the doors rather than dealing with cuts… good call …

  11. Most businesses are different than c-corporations Robert. C-Corporations are dictated by wall street (e.g. Shareholders) for one reason – profit. What keeps costs low creating a profit margin – the Chinese workers (among others). Robert in some businesses the worker actually has a say in things. So you can complain all you want about my jealousies of a $600,000 car, private jet and $30M mansion and speak low about my lack of industry and drive but when the cards fall I side with the people not the corporations. I side with democratic business with good and modern innovation; not pure profit at any means.

    You and I are obviously the only two on this site and can dance like this all night but I think we know where our loyalties and fundamental differences lie so let’s let fate decide.

    P.s. Read some history less fox news

  12. Evan, I happen to work for a very large corporation. My Brother is a small business man. I have worked for “Private” sector unions like the teamsters and a pipefitters local.

    I hear the left whine about what others have and I find it very typical of the new “America” ushered in by folks like you. A guy makes a profit lives a life by producing something and hiring people to do it… THAT BASTARD!

    Rather than seeing a successful businessman or large company as a target of what is possible you clowns say he has too much… I make about as much as those teachers on the streets of Wisconsin. I have to pay for my HC, I have to deal with my paycheck as I can. I don’t have the luxury of being a LOUSY employee and keeping my job. I have to earn my check each and every day. Now you may hear that and say I’m hating” NOPE I think it’s great that you got some idiots in office to give you that as perks. BUT when times are tough those perks are getting cut. PERIOD.

    P.s Read more FACTS in history and quit watching MSNBC for all your facts…. History is being rewritten by you liberal fucknozzles to suit your march toward a socialized nation. Socialism WILL NOT WORK IN AMERICA the way you expect. It never has and it never will… History Evan is subject to the reader. You can’t rewrite it to suit your play. You must understand it, you must grasp the entirety of what has taken place before and compare it to now… You clowns are on a dangerous path and when it gets bad you will be the first ones to say “We didn’t cause it” YOU ARE CAUSING IT!

  13. Oh and the reason WE are the only ones here is this is a very old post. I don’t get a lot of comments because normally I’m not a nice guy about opposing view points. You’ve been pretty “civil” so I allowed your comments.

    Besides I find it fun every once in while to take liberal Michael Moore fans to the wood shed.

  14. May we all be like you one day Robert. You’ve been a shining example and I hope you find a bottomless well of wealth one day working for that corporation you have no say in so that you may one day employ me or possibly thousands of others.

    1. Seriously Evan, you need to wake up. You have a say in any employment you have. You can quit, you can succeed, you can move up the ladder, you can own your own company. The only place you have little say is in a state union. Your elected officials dictate your future. You can be the best teacher in the world but YOU get laid off if someone has been there longer… Hows that for a say?

  15. But Robert your assumption is that everything is based on individual merit and abilities. Nepotism is abundant especially now. Not to mention if you go against the corporate high movement you get cut. There’s no free thought in big Corp; either you do it or we find someone else.

    I’m a 30 year old attorney cut from a small s-Corp because the legal dept was no longer acceptable. My industry has forced me into contract work because corporations now dictate the big law firms forcing me to work at $22 an hour in a rat hole temp agency because the told us we would pay the bills. So the partners bent over and all the associates took it and got fired. The youth is in debt with tuition bills but no jobs to pay em. I’m not fooled by absolute socialism or communism and the fact that it can’t work but big corporatism is a windfall and we need to get back to democratic roots with smaller businesses and freer markets. I hope that’s a common ground and thanks for the debate. I honestly wish you well despite my prior sarcasm.

    1. Evan, Most things are based on individual merit and abilities. They aren’t in Union shops. Little example for you: I started at the bottom of my company. Very bottom. I worked, I learned, I tested and I have been in a leadership role for the last 15 years. Many other people were hired before me. Few were more experienced in certain areas than I. I learned skills that prepared me for what I do now. We interviewed, we tested and I won out against several others. Not because of my race, or because of my seniority. It was based on ability and what I could bring to the company. ROI. Return on investment. They invest money in me in return they expect me to do a job. Not a difficult concept to grasp.

      Unions (Not all) but in large part the public unions expect to just show up because “They work for the children” or whatever. Many GREAT teachers get laid off to keep some slugs that have tenure. is that right? You couldn’t run a business the way states and America run their “Service workers”

      I wish you well too and don’t let my sarcasm keep you away… I’m kind of harsh sometimes.

  16. Whoever wrote this article needs to go to school. This is so ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with communism. Religion is not needed within any country. All other western states do not have as large of a religious following and have less tyranny, corruption and crime rates.

    1. Scott Jones.. Yeah I guess your right, nothing at all wrong with Communism, well unless you look at Stalin, North Korea, Cuba and see how their people are treated. But that’s okay, I understand you probably went to a school in Madison where they delete the little things like POVERTY, Loss of FREEDOM, FORCED LABOR, SHORTNESS OF NECESSITIES oh and the murder of the population… But it will work now huh?.. Moron.

    1. Well Brock you got to forget those little details, these new breed of communist have learned from those mistakes and it would never happen again huh? These idiots like Mr Jones there really need to be shown the truth about Communism. When they had to stand in line for toilet paper, starbucks quit being their hangout and the internet was censored or closed all together then they’d be singing a different tune…

  17. Communism is a philosophy of us the people completely giving our rights and freedoms to government. I don’t need government I need need you and you need me. The is history and fate and a reality of the the system we continually live. A revolution will come not because of our advancement in technology but simply fate in the system. But can we coexist with free trade and peace will be the ultimate questions. We are fee as of right and no on can take that away from us.

  18. Have any of you ever actually read the communist manifesto? In theory it is the best system ever created. Everyone of you are probably the same people that think that the United States is a country for good. Do you realize that your governemnt helped support the Egyptian government with 2 billion dollars in miitary aid to help support a tyranny. The US and by extension the western hegemonic bloc establishes oppressive governments across the world to help support western hegemony. You are totally run by big corporations lobbying the government. Interest groups essentially run American and everyone outside the United States knows this. America is the most hated country in the world. Before you respond take into account I have a masters in Political Science and most likely know how politics actual works. Unites States is ultimately an evil nation and everyone outside the United States knows it.

  19. Scott, this is a fact because of money in general. Money if a fictitious object but you literally you cannot do anything without it. And so whom every creates it is god! Tyrants know this and hence history will repeat – it’s inevitable. We were born to this earth with a natural right to use it. Corporations are self governed and hence smaller countries or societies or commonwealths within a larger society hence why we feel so free when we’re off work. People are born into slavery and don’t even know it because the time off of work keeps you happy. Think please!! You know something is incredible wrong but why and how. You won’t find the answer on tv it’s in history and philosophy! Keep asking yourselves how and why and eventually you will be enlightened.

  20. Evan,

    I completely agree with you on this one. However, in other countries there are huge restrictions on how corporations work. In some countries there are definite restrictions on how the corporations can lobby the government which is an alien concept to the Unites States. I actually believe that the people are starting to realize that they are truly oppressed. People are essentially the peasants to those whom own the means of production.
    By no means are Canada, France and the United Kingdom prefect but the United States needs to look at how they operate. The banking industry hasn’t crippled and no one was forced out of their homes in Canada. People are not hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt in the same ratio that Americans are. People have jobs in Canada and health care is available to everyone regardless of wealth or race. This may be a foreign concept but socialized health care actually works. Before you say that it sucks I recommend everyone to actually research Canadian health care in academic journals and not through the media.
    I believe that the United States is beginning on the right path. With reference to Evan, I think that you are one of the few intelligent people on this site who are not blinded by propaganda.

  21. This Robert dude is the byproduct of American media and corporatism. You probably dont know anything about any other country except for your own. Corporations are evil, open up those blinders of yours. Capitalism is supposed to be for free markets. Capitalism creates monopolies which completely destroys the notion of free markets. Read Lenin’s, Imperalism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism and do some research on how corporations work and you will see the true evil of a completely free market. I do not think that communism is the answer, a hybrid of communism and capitalism is the answer. Look at Canada, the Scandinavian countries and other European nations. Having regulations on corporations is the only way to go. How has financial deregulations worked out for the Unites States? People don’t need 10 cars and 3 houses. The American dream is a fallacy in itself. There is a glass ceiling in the system. Tuition rates for Ivy league schools are prepostorous. If you are born into a middle income family and aren’t amazing at sports how can you go there? Like Evan mentioned, student fees after school are outrageous and there isnt employment opportunities available.

  22. Just to get everyone mad on this redneck website, I am pro gay rights, pro marijuana, pro abortion, and dont care if someone is black, hispanic or east indian.

  23. Mr. Jones you are an idiot. Communism is the worst government. The common man does have freedom, the people in charge are profiting and living large but the rest of the country lives in poverty. Does that sound like something you would want. You need to get an education. Stop thinking that you know everything. And if people work hard enough to be able to afford these 3 houses and 10 cars why should they not spoil themselves after all they have worked hard. Yes there are things that are expensive here(tuition and health care) but all it means is that you have to work hard and it is not going to be easy, but America gives us these opportunities to become something to make something of ourselves. So next time why don’t you say something intelligent.

  24. Mr. Jones are you serious. Communism is the worst government. The common man does not have freedom, the people in charge are profiting and living large but the rest of the country lives in poverty. Does that sound like something you would want. You need to get an education. Stop thinking that you know everything. And if people work hard enough to be able to afford these 3 houses and 10 cars why should they not spoil themselves after all they have worked hard. Yes there are things that are expensive here(tuition and health care) but all it means is that you have to work hard and it is not going to be easy, but America gives us these opportunities to become something to make something of ourselves. So next time why don’t you say something intelligent.

  25. WOW.. I left the gate open I guess. Brock thanks for setting them straight.

    Evan and Scott, perhaps you should quit sucking each others dick long enough to understand the real issue. You are jealous of others success. Just admit guys it’s okay, I’m sure there is a support group for it..

    You guys are the typical nutbags college fucknozzles that have no clue. You sit in class (POL SCI? hahaha) and think you learn about the world. Some asshat professor that was passed over for manager at burger king holds a grudge, and fills your heads with bullshit. Your mom and dad (If you know who your daddy is) are either working too hard to set the record straight (Doubtful) or more likely suckin on a crack pipe and blowing truck drivers for rent money.

    You have no clue about the REAL WORLD. The way capitalism works is simple, someone pays your for your talents or you are that someone who pays someone else… PERIOD. If you work hard and make the right decisions in your life YOU too could be in a position of power and then you can run your company the way your want. But instead YOU Clowns want it free for everyone with no effort.

    Here ya go asshats now pay attention. IF America was the land you seek, would Bill Gates be an evil rich bastard? Nope, he wouldn’t have had any incentive to create a company. WHY? everything he does gets split with the “Community” As in COMMUNISM. Where some crack whore can sit at home spit out kids and collect money for doing nothing… (Kind of sounds like NOW huh?)

    Capitalism has turned out the best military, the best technology, the best health care, the best of everything this earth has to offer and because it’s too difficult to succeed by your own effort, you think you are ENTITLED to something? FUCK YOU You and those like you give real Americans a bad name.

    Now come on back assholes and I will not be so nice. I have relatives that lived under that system you idiots are pushing and trust me, you do it with in reach of me and I’ll yank your fuckin nuts out through your windpipe.

  26. Im from the United Kingdom and this is very Southern American no? Michael Moore has a bias no doubt, but lots of what he says is true. Regulated capitalism like Evan and Scott are trying to say are great. Communism is evil like stated before with Stalin and North Korea. However, Cubans are very happy with what they are. Have you ever been there? I was thinking that America had a trade embargo and couldn’t go there.
    Communism helped kill millions of people but so has American foreign policy. America helped fund the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. However, who did they help to fund a ammunition shop and eventually be the mastermind of 9/11, Bin Laden. The Civil War killed 1.5 million Afghans.
    There is no doubt that countries such as Finland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, The UK, and Canada are heading in the right direction. There is still a large profit motive with more regulations. Banks are not allowed to give mortages to people who can’t pay their bills. People in America are starting to realize that financial deregulation is a very bad thing.
    As for Evan and Scott, I agree with you on most points. Canada is not that charitable though. I think your taking this a little too far

    1. Erik D, I allowed your comment because you hadn’t had your say on this topic. I’ll respond to yours in as civil of manner as I can.

      Are you fuckin brain damaged? “Cubans are happy”.. Um please go down to Florida and ask the “Cuban Community” that left that country in makeshift floating devices how happy they are, ask the population in Cuba how happy they are in their 1950’s vehicles and their “ONLY CUBA” TV. Ask them about the internet, ask them about the world “OUTSIDE” of Cuba…. You would be very happy too if you knew nothing about what is possible. I ask ALL of you to understand one thing. People come here to get away from tyrants. IF we allow the USA to become just like those places, where do we go? Canada? Uh yeah, tell me why people come here for health care? tell me WHY a baby had to be removed from Canada to LIVE? it happens to ADULTS all the time, but it doesn’t get the media attention.

      You clowns really need to stop watching Tingles and MSNBC.. There is a real world and there is fantasy land. YOU CLOWNS live in fantasy land. Your “System” creates Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Mussolini…Our system has created the best the earth has to offer.

      Your other B.S analogy was about bin laden, were you under a rock on 9-11? He didn’t use “Weapons” he used OUR system to hit us. Our PC don’t offend muzzies system…

      I’ve educated you clowns just about enough on this thread. IF you are still clueless after all this, there is no help for you. I suggest you look past your “POL SCI” professor for a real life experience. In the end, at some point the shooting will start. At that point you and I will be on opposite sides. You will recognize me from my boot bottom as it comes on to your head… Sorry guys this “Socialist/Communist/Marxist love fest you are having in my comments section is closed. You are welcome to “Voice” your opinion on another thread IF you stick to the thread topic.

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