House of Representatives ACTS!

House of Representatives ACTS!

So lets recap: The House that “WE the PEOPLE” took back from “Them The Communists” in 2010 have done SOME things. I shudder to think where we would be with Nancy Pelosi still in charge.

While I am extremely unhappy with Speaker Boehner’s job performance and just as pissed off at the RINO’s in the house and senate. There is SOME things that the Republican house have done. Think about this:

Without the tea party caucus in the house: Several GUN CONTROL LAWS would have sailed through. Amnesty would already have been done. Obamacare would be implemented and our economy would have already collapsed.

So as we chastise the RINO’s in both houses. Realize this: WITHOUT control of the PEOPLE’S HOUSE America would have been transformed fully by now. And we may not recognize our nation now.

IF we the people can take the senate in 2014 we will NUT OBAMA and his minions for the following 2 years. This must be done or we will continue to languish in mediocrity while we pile on debt, become more divided and be laughed at worldwide.

Call your senators if you have a couple on the fence. I live in CA so calling Senator Boxer or Feinstein is wasting oxygen. But those of you who have RINO’s or Democrats who are coming up for re-election CALL THEM. Tell them to defund Obamacare or else.

The will of the people can be heard and America can become great again.

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