Graffiti, Vandalism, Gangs or Art

Graffiti, Vandalism, Gangs or Art

Recently we discussed graffiti, more specifically the up tick in violence between taggers, and gang-bangers versus citizens that are reporting their actions.

I had the honor of entertaining some comments on the “Artists” side of the issue:
Here are a couple of examples:

Chris (no Blog URL) says;
I completely agree with the fact that gangs cause problems and should be rid of BUT, graffiti is an art, and it seems like the criminals (violent ones) committing more than simple vandalism, are fully involved in gangs and are not “tagging” for the sake of art or beauty, but tagging to protect the turf. Graffiti artists or vandals, and gang members marking their area are two completely different things. It is like comparing marijuana to heroin, yea they are both illegal but marijuana is pretty much harmless (graffiti) and heroin is dangerous, addictive, and ruins our society (gang graffiti/activity).

All I am saying is don’t forget to distinguish artists from pure gang members and criminals out there spraying their shitty bullshit all over the place.

Hammer Time (no Blog URL) says
this is pathetic, did anyone notice the fact that they almost all had something to do with gangs?

gangs and people who write graffiti, are two totally different things…

and why is everyone so scared of colorful walls?

Facedorateur (no Blog URL) says:

Not to be a bitch, but 3 deaths due to graffiti GANGS seems ok compared to the 4000 american soldiers that died in Irak and Afghanistan, or the millions of children that dies everyday in africa. A graffiti writer alone is less likely to attack someone, he will maybe have a weapon, but in any case he will not even try to use it and run away. Dont be affraid of the lonewolfes. But the gangs, they are dangerous because they are in numbers, 5 guys are better at kicking someones butt than only 1. + graffiti is a peaceful crime and it adds a little color and artistic taste in our grey cities. And if you compare it to drug gangs, you will realize its not that bad.

David (no Blog URL)says:

If I lived in LA and I knew which neighbourhood you were in I would go crush it tonight.
If you put your foot on top of my throat and I was completely defenceless, and I had no idea that you we’re going to attack me, you basically just attacked me.
And if you did put your foot on my throat, I would think that you were going to kill me and choke me to death and I would probably shoot your fucking brain out.
You’re saying that the parents are responsible for kids tagging? dude are you dumb or something? its not like the parents are putting spraycans in the childrens hand and saying ‘go paint graffiti’ or not even like they have there eyes closed.. Also most of the people that are probably shown in the article that took voilent action were probably over 21 so they’re parents have no control over them anyways.
I hate you with a fucking passion and if I’m ever in LA remind me to fucking do a big ass graffiti tag on your garage while you’re dressed like a clown with hunting gear on in the bushes.

The one from David was by far the funniest, IF he ever even thought about coming to my hood he would break out in a sweat.. IF I had my foot on his throat, I would be ready to kill him if necessary, any movement that threatened my well being at that point would be met with a mind bending flurry of lead and David moving toward the light.

I see nothing artistic about that, I don’t think any of the property owners appreciate it, I really don’t appreciate that shit on electrical/cable or phone boxes.

I think all these idiots that write on PUBLIC or PERSONAL property that they do not own, should have to pay for it, if they have no way to pay, make the parents pay and make the kids spend weekends cleaning graffiti.
The approach our PD is taking is PARENTS will be paying up to 10k for graffiti clean up if their kids are caught.
If a juvenile is apprehended in the act or has been named as a suspect a warrant can be issued and served to search the home of the kid, if materials/evidence of vandalism/tagging are in the home the parents are cited and will be fined up to 15k for damages. IF the parents are ILLEGALLY in this Country, it can lead to deportation proceedings.

One of the first things someone should ask themselves is: IF this is art, and an expression of my feelings, why am I doing it in the shadows? Why am I scared of getting caught? Why is this big ass redneck standing on my neck?

Art my ass, this is a crime and should be treated as such, it should be investigated when found on public property and prosecuted in a very harsh manner. I think the laws are too soft, but they are getting harder.

And for those that say “There is nothing for the kids to do”….

This is a brand new 2 million dollar building in a public park:

Its a “FOR THE KIDS” Building, look closely next to drain pipe to see the evidence of gratitude. The building is in the heart of a known gang infested area. It was made possible by donations and funding from taxpayers.

The building has a Indoor Basketball court, boxing ring, gym, all kinds of inside games, and activities. The guy that runs this park is a friend of mine, I have known him for over 20 years, he is a strong leader in the community and if you ask him, he’ll tell you it’s as much the parents fault for allowing our community to fall into this state as everyone those parents like to blame.

What we need is not more buildings for the kids to go to, we need PARENTS to actually PARENT! and the excuse box is full. NO MORE EXCUSES! Get your kids in check.

29 Replies to “Graffiti, Vandalism, Gangs or Art”

  1. I find it amusing that the “David” idiot sees nothing wrong with the alleged parents of the young mongrels that are at fault. Those clowns should be sent off to see that gentleman Sheriff in Arizona; along with their offspring.

    Just Johns Is talking about..Sleep Disorders?

  2. @Just John: Actully JJ I got a few more of those than I posted, it is a damn shame that our youth doesn’t see the problem with it. We were all young and we did things that weren’t right. I did some vandalism in my youth too, Never did I write on anything or paint dumb shit on walls, it was more like egging or TP’ing or breaking a window… The difference is WE KNEW IT WAS WRONG! If we got caught we wouldn’t call it “Artistic Expression” we took our punishment and didn’t do it again, our parents made sure we wouldn’t do it again and thats the missing part.. PARENTS doing the job of PARENTS.

  3. Robert first off your a jackass tping ppls houses breakin windows u can’t consider that art!!! That’s str8 up being a punk, im a artist and I do some graff legal walls canvas,s and im not goin2 say I did or didn’t do illegal stuff cuz I don’t need 2… in the past…. the reason we paint is to express are selves its street art and u can’t say its not art its every aspect of street art a form of hiphop breakdancin DJing MCing you can even bring it into the category of streetmagic, I recently spent 100dollars on 10 cans of paint and tips, for a mural… graff is not a crime its an art that ppl tend to grow and make other forms of art clothin design sk8board deck designs shoe design, look at montain dew there using a lot of graff for advertising…. I get ppl askin me to paint their rooms to make tattoo designs stuff like that, im wantin to make it a career as a graff artist but im currently in the military, when I finish my enlistment I plan on goin to an art institute, opening a art gallery and traveling the world… if u been to a country were graff is appreciated u would prob be more understandin go to germany, spain, puerto rico,brazil and if u don’t go do some research on those countries graff you will notice ppl do it w/ a passion… get outta your beligerent mindset and so some research b4 u decide 2 taint artists… I consider u a racist to graffiti prejudice not knowing ppl and there lives and thinkin were bad ppl… im fightin 4 u to be free right now… just stop and think next time not tryin to be a complete ass but u got me pretty fired up on your negative views

  4. @art is not a crime: I guess I’m a punk then.. I consider painting other peoples property WITHOUT their permission a CRIME, it is punishable by a serious ass whoopin if YOU or YOUR People do it in my area and I catch your sorry ass.
    It is not like breakdancing, it is not like skateboarding, it is DESTRUCTIVE to someone’s property and it is NOT ART…
    Think of it like this:
    I come to your house and write “White men over 40 KICK ASS” with a spray paint can on your bedroom wall, you have the option of cleaning it up or leaving it and looking at it for a while…What do you do? It’s just my expression…. so it’s art right?

    I think your parents went wrong with you if you think that “Art” is acceptable.
    PS. if you ever come to my side of the hood and I catch you “expressing” I will in turn “express” and Trust me You will not like it at all.

  5. Rob, his parents went wrong when they didn’t beat his ass when he was a kid…

    I tell ya man, retroactive birth control… Double tap, 2 .45’s in the chest, no more taggers…

  6. Yeah double tap, so now your talking about murdering ppl! okay yeh of course murder is okay” i guess in your point just kill ppl… ur F*CKIN Sick man!

    but whatever, i dont kno…… why dont we just kill ppl that underage drink also, hmm why dont we just kill ppl that speed if there speedin just pop em and no more speeders, your must be on drugs or somthin TEXASFRED…. maybe they should kill the ppl threatening to kill other ppl…… hmm… :shootin: YOUR LOGIC IS WAY outta proportion… i agree someone tags your house, u should be able to shoot em (but not kill someone)

    but if there just painitn in the street some abandoned building thats just sitten there to rot let them be…


    i only kill ppl if i have 2 if there threatenin my life! than i do what i gotta do… thats about the only legitmate reason i believe to kill someone….

  7. HillbillyFred from texas you gotta messed up mindset you think killing and murdering is okay but graffiti is bad!! Wow! U need some counseling or 2 see a psychiatrist! Im not talking about spraying up ppls houses or vandalizing someones house like robert did w/ breaking windows tping or egging… robert prob did it out of hatered cuz u don’t just go breakin ppls windows or eggin ppls stuff, for no reason tping maybe I can understand if its a friend and your just pullin a joke… im talking about graffiting abandonded buildings, tunnels, blank nasty rotting walls that are ugly growing w/ mildew and fungus… just stuff that’s already messed up… trains even don’t lie and say that a moving art gallery on a train doesn’t capture your attention and make ya say to yourself dang that looks pretty cool! Because I know it does and if it doesn’t I guarentee you the kids in the backseat look at all the color and designs and creations and makes them awe into joy… I understand if someones spraying your house to shoot em but not KILL them maybe shoot em in the leg… or somethin, but leave the street artists alone (graff artist) most of us come w/ peace and don’t want problems, or trouble gangbangers cause trouble and some do graffiti to claim territory…there’s a fine line difference between the artists and the gangsters… all we want to do is express ourselves to the world … ill debate all day over this topic cuz u got nothin better 2 do than to thrash on a culture… graffiti started way back when the mayans and aztecs were around they carved there story on pyramids walls all kinds of stuff they openly expressed themself who’s to say that’s not your wall…? Who’s wall is it???? Last thing I know god created everything… for us! Advertising commercials billboards are a form of public graffiti political graffiti there shoving crap into our head buy this try this smoke thhese cigs drink this beer. Look like me (models) so much brainwash what ppl can’t think for themselves anymore??? But yeah fred if u wannna kill ppl murder ppl outta hatered your goin 2 end up in a world of hurt… your brain is warped…. adolf hitler had a warped brain he didn’t like jews what did he do try to wipe em off the earth, saddam hussein head was warped he hated woman and children he treated them w no respect would rape em and kill them… columbine hschool shooters were warped they had hitlists and tried to kill, your warped in the same category….as all the above I listed…. don’t hate on graffiti just because you have no passion 4 art or maybe u just suck at art and u want to hate on what u can’t do…. again graffiti isn’t a crime its str8 up art, from wheatpasting, stenciling, tagging, stickering, piecing muraling, etc… that’s all I gotta say now…

  8. @obey: You are a real piece of work….You talk about “Art”? BUT what about the property you deface? ever thought about the owner of the property? YOU are infringing on the rights of the property owner, but that’s ok? as long as you can express yourself?
    Tell you what asshole, Come over to my area, bring your “Crew” and I’ll put up a fresh coat of white paint on my garage door, you guys come have at your “Art” on my property….Your parents will have a place to go in a bout 3 days… YOUR FUNERAL.

  9. Dear People,

    I request the author of this web blog put an end to the comments for a while. This is getting rather ugly, sick and distrubing. People are threatening each other on a blog site?! This is crazy, what is the matter with you folks?
    I made a mistake by allowing my e-mail to get updates of comments on this blog. I regret this completely. Nevertheless it is time to drop this nonsense and go on to another subject.

  10. Curtis, what the hell, it’s just now getting good, and dude, it’s NOT a threat, someone gets caught doing that shit here in Texas they tote a load of OO Buck or some 230gr lead… No brag, just fact…

  11. @Curtis: I threaten not Curtis I promise that the first tagger or so called “Artist” I catch making “Art” on my property will be given a trip to the desert and it will be a one way trip for them.
    Take it as a threat or a promise or whatever but it is time to make a stand, and I’ll stand on the throat of a tagger or “Artist” when the need arises.

  12. OBEY: Lets make this so easy that even a retard like you can understand…

    I have worked hard all my life to get the things I have, if some asshole tagger wants to paint it, I am gonna paint them, with a little red dot, that would be the laser targeting system, and here’s one other little factoid for you moron, in Texas property destruction and vandalism of private property are still SHOOTING offenses, and in Texas the home owner is King of the Castle…

    So, come paint my stuff, and let me catch you in the act, the next thing you’ll know is if there really is a heaven or hell, and your crackhead mammy will be getting a death notice…

  13. @TexasFred: Well said, and fully agree with it. And as a matter of fact, I would be paying a visit to the parents too. I think Daddy would need a good ass kicking for bringing up an idiot like Obey.

  14. :rotflmao: again, your getting worked up over some dumb stuff im referring to graffiting mainly stuff that doesnt have a property owner…. u keep sayin “BRING U AND UR KRU TO MY WHITE GARAGE AND YOU”LL FILL ME W/LEAD!! LOL OMFG :dancinghappy: STOP (DANCE A LITTLE RELAX) u so violent maybe your a gangster, thats prob what it is, i think YA’LL Gangbangers need to go to church or somthing, realize stompin ppls throats in and MURDERING is wrong……..! u have no justification to take someones life…. unless they r trying to take yours……. and thats ur only mode of self defence… and for me i dont have a crew i do my stuff alone, (NOT A GANGBANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!) an ARTIST!!! not taggin your house , not taggin churches, not taggin schoools, not taggin govt buildings, tagging only stuff that does not have a property owner, stuff that taxes pay4, lol you go ahead and keep sendin your threatenin messages of bein in a funeral and a casket… that just shows who u r… DONT THREATEN ME!!!!! I DIDNT THREATEN U AND SAY I WAS GOIN TO YOUR HOUSE SO DONT DO IT TO ME!!! im a human being just like u, and i have every right to live my life, u have no right of taking it again ((READ I DONT TAG PPLS HOUSE)) So u have no ruight to shoot someone u see painting in an ALLEY or someone PAINTIN a wall that is built on the interstates, or highways, u just really show your charecter, im goin to live my life by art everyday, not necassarily graffiti art, but on all kinds of art mediums get into 3-D desgings and stuff u needa’ relax man im not a hoodlum and my parents did raise me right, the prob is your parents prob didnt raise u right, they prob were prejudiice ppl just like u become :fingerwag:

  15. @OBEY: Hey DUMBFUCK.. “tagging only stuff that does not have a property owner, stuff that taxes pay4” I am a tax payer…anyone who has a job is tax payer, and that shit costs money to clean up, paid for by ME the taxpayer…where could that money be better spent? Maybe taking care of baby mamma drama? maybe more education for DUMBFUCKS like you that think there is no problem with what you do…just a thought. Grow up and get a clue



    U LIVE IN AMERICA U PAY TAXES FOR STUFF U DONT WANT TO PAY TAXES 4, DEAL W/ it…. i pay taxes for stuff i/ll never use,

    keep being onesided, one day you’ll realize how childish you are, lol just read over ur comments, EXACTLY LIKIE I SAID UR FILLED w/ HATERED….. thats prob why u decided to break ppls windows and egg ppls houses!! u cant control yourself!!!! your an animal to society, its okay to have a temper but understand how to take control of yourself, because if not u just seem like a complete MANIAC that forgot to take his Medication to make him a “sane” person…

  17. @OBEY: Ok Obey You have been labeled a fucknozzle and therefore your rights to post comments here at A&P have been removed.

    Ask yourself one more question while you sit in the corner and lick your nuts about being banned here.. IF your “ART” is so cool, WHY do you have to sneak around to do it? Just do it in broad daylight and make a stand… let me know where though because I’d really like to meet you.

  18. I don’t have to sneak around to do it….. I mainly now get paid for my work or have my paint paid for to do murals by the property owner…. but that couldn’t be possible w/out startin in the streets, the only times I pay money is when I go to a legal wall and I want to challenge my abstract styles… other than that 4 canvas’s and other stuff likle that I normally have paint from a previous production… most towns don’t have legal walls so it leaves the young artist w/ no other place to go but the streets some ppl have more fortunate situations where they have graffiti jams, bboy competitons, stuff like that going on locally in the community that the town decides to have a area/wall/tunnell designated 4 graffiti…. I know a crew that dances from ‘((abc show)) ABDC Ameicas Best Dance Crew and he has gotten top 3 last year, they have done commercials like breakdancin for checkers/rallys food chain, and the whole crew was asked to make a movie that if u have daughters or nieces u prob heard of BRING IT ON 2! They made out pretty good w/ money and now he’s sponsering theese hip0hopjams in the community…. were u can win500bucks , I don’t know why your so against graffiti maybe someone tagged your brand new fresh painted garage recently, idk what the reason is… but trust me there is positive graffiti in the world, some ppl do murals for the world trade center, mother teressa, aaliyah,2pac biggie, some graff helps w/ an advertisement for the upcomming election im not tslkin chicken scratch no… but lilke a full photogenic replica of george w. Obama, mccain,, u needa widen your vision again im not discussing gang graffiti violent graffiti, just aereosal art, do u think someone professional w/ an airbrush gun goin to your car creating a custom 1 of a kind creation on your car is an eyesore or is wrong, prob not because most ppl like cars / carshows when they fix em up, im not a destructive artist, im a good artist not necassarily a pro graff artist but that’s my goal…and yes an ‘artist’ that’s my talent… and u have no right to infringe the title artist from me unless you can do better create something more intense, blah blah blah but don’t judge me w out knowing me because I am a good guy not lookin 4 trouble…

  19. @obey: This is the problem with your comments OBEY… You have poor reading comprehension skills, do you see the pictures? does that look like the art you describe? I am talking about GANG and Crew “Art” that is different than “Permissible ART” You have permission from the wall owner, have at it.. you write on shit I have to pay to clean up, I take it very personally.

  20. obey, there IS a huge difference between Wall Art and TAGGERS…. Until you made this comment you made every attempt at passing yourself off as a TAGGER… Disingenuous to say the least…

    Try open, out front honesty next time and you may be received a bit more graciously, no one comes here pretending to be what they are not, well, not for long, because in the end, the truth always comes out…

    None of us here have a bit of use for the GANG persona, some here have lived that life, to one degree or another, some here spent there lives locking up the gangsters, maybe YOU need to not be so judgemental yourself, courtesy breeds courtesy…

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