Election Day 2014…

Election Day 2014…

I will be voting today. I will do it with my nose held, I will do it knowing my vote doesn’t count anyway. I will do it because good men and women long ago gave me that right and I refuse to piss on their sacrifice.

You may ask, “Why do you say your vote doesn’t count?” Answer: I live in California. The minute my vote is cast for state/Federal offices, it is cancelled out by two or three illegal voters in LA county. We will have our local ballot measures and propositions.. Those will always be a NO in my book.


Election day in CA is basically a taxathon vote. We need money to save the baby sea otters.. You don’t want them killed do you? Read the proposition and it allocates 10 bucks to feed the otters the rest go into union coffers and government aid for illegals..

I have soured on this state’s leadership and anyone in this state that still trusts CA’s leadership, is either a recipient of financing or has some agenda that is getting help from taxpayers.


The warning I issue today is simple: Look at CALIFORNIA for where you are headed if you become apathetic and lose the fight. The only way you lose the fight is you’re outnumbered by the illegal wave. Why do you think Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi and all CA politicians welcome them? Its for power not for quality of life.

Texas is a big target right now, as is Arizona. They are the states liberals need to turn if they’re to get the utopia they desire. That utopia exists here in CA. What doesn’t exist here in CA? That would be the constitution, rights, jobs, independence, peacefulness, an education system, an infrastructure that works etc… But hey, CA is a pretty place. Its the people that fucked it up.


Vote today people, if for nothing else, vote to keep your state from becoming CALIFORNIA!

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