Dick Cheney: “Maybe we should limit the size of Magazines”

Dick Cheney: “Maybe we should limit the size of Magazines”

Well if he was talking about reading material I’d agree (Unless it’s Playboy of course)

This is actually a pretty serious statement made by the Former VP.

Cheney: Maybe we should limit size of pistol magazines

To be fair, former VP Dick Cheney finally points out that the real proximate cause of the Tucson massacre was the insanity of the gunman, but that won’t be the takeaway for gun-control advocates. Cheney joins some critics in at least considering a size limitation on magazines for semi-automatic pistols. Jared Lee Loughner used a larger magazine of 33 rounds in the pistol, which has given rise to a call to impose limits on clips magazines for personal use:

However, Loughner had more magazines on him when arrested — including two standard 15-shot magazines:

Authorities in Tucson say the suspect in Saturday’s shooting had three more pistol magazines with him when he was tackled.

The Pima County sheriff’s office on Friday says an extended clip was found nearby and Jared Loughner had two more 15-round magazines in his pockets, though it doesn’t say if any of those were loaded.

Okay this is a gun grabbers wet dream. The former Republican VP calling for a gun law/restriction and he did it on MSNBC… I can see the tingle running up the legs of all of those idiots.

You would think someone that can mistake his friends face for a bird, would be smarter than to get involved in this discussion. Much less do it on the one channel in the nation that did more harm to him than the Iraq war. 😡

The real issue is your beliefs Mr Cheney and all Anti-Gun advocates. Let me ask a question of the braintrust:

IF you want to limit the magazine to 10 rounds, does that mean you are perfectly fine with only 10 deaths? And will you be limiting each American to only one magazine per household? Do you have any idea how quick a person of modest training can change magazines in a semi-auto pistol?

We all knew after the Tuscon shooting, we gun owners and lovers of our RIGHTS, would be under assault. We knew it was coming from the left. What we didn’t expect was Dick Cheney to carry the lefts water after all the left did to him during his time. Most of us thought very highly of Dick Cheney, and we defended him far more than we did GWB. I’m extremely disappointed in this stab in the back from one of our own.

What we have going on now is media blood lust. They can’t do anything to the shooter so lets jump on the guns. I wonder what would have happened if the guy didn’t have a gun and instead, decided to drive a full sized pickup truck full of cement bags into the crowd on purpose? What if 6 people were killed and 18 were wounded, would we be talking about limiting the sizes of trucks? Because you know a Prius would have only killed 3 people. Would we talk about limiting the amount of cement you can carry in your truck?

The real issue in Tuscon was a man bent on killing innocent people succeeded because NOBODY was there to stop him. The method he used is not the issue.

Had someone (or several people) in that area been taking advantage of their 2nd amendment rights and observing the AZ law allowing concealed carry, the guy wouldn’t have got off more than 2 shots. Then the 10 shot magazine limit wouldn’t be an issue. IF the shooter was killed after killing only one person, would the left be PRAISING the AZ law? Not likely.

Any anti-gun advocate care to come to the range with me one day, I’ll show you how to fire 30 rounds on target, using only 10 round mags and taking only 2 seconds (if that) more than you can fire, using a 30 round magazine. That’s all we’re talking about here, 2 seconds. And then perhaps we see if you can fire the same 30 rounds on target while dodging incoming fire….Then tell me which one is better for the public.

I suggest Mr Cheney be banned from anything larger in caliber than an air-soft gun, since he obviously has lost his Fu**in mind.

3 Replies to “Dick Cheney: “Maybe we should limit the size of Magazines””

  1. With my P.O.S. M9, I can put 30 rounds from two magazines into the center of a man’s torso and head faster than the average cop can unholster his weapon (20 years of practice will do that for ya). The average cop/sheriff will pause and assess his/her situation while I’m shooting, and I’ll kill him/her too. If you limit my magazines to ten rounds, then I would only be able to put 20 rounds into a man’s torso or head before a cop can pull down. I’m sure that’s WAY less deadly…Making me buy my ammo in person instead of online will make it less deadly too, I’m sure. (The dumb…It burns!) Don’t get me started on what I can do with a rifle with iron sights at 500 yards…

    Next question: Where were the cops on the day in question? Nevermind; better to blame the gun and unrelated radio hosts or some other stupid shit.

  2. John, I can’t, and won’t fault you shooting ability, I know what a Marine and his weapon can do, a well trained Marine GUN FIGHTER is a force to be reckoned with. Rob will find that out if we ever get on the range together… 🙂

    However, the cops were not on scene, and had no reason to BE on scene, you can’t blame them either, cops rarely prevent crime, Giffords, if she felt in danger, should have had private security of some kind…

  3. True Fred, but if I was the law in that town and a member of congress was going to hold a shindig in a parking lot there, I might want to have a cop or two on the scene. Crazy idea, huh? You’re right though, as I tried to state in my slightly exaggerated claim above, the nutjob still would have got off several rounds before a cop would have been able to stop him.

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