Christmas with an Athiest, Progressive…

Christmas with an Athiest, Progressive…

We had a terrific Christmas and we hope you all did as well. At our family Christmas dinner we were joined by a relative (a by marriage relative) who is an atheist and a progressive. I was warned by my family that he was always itching to debate people over his views… I was also asked not to oblige him. Well that lasted about 20 minutes…

I’d like to recap a part of the discussion here to give you an idea of what America is up against.

First let me say the man is not stupid. He’s just misguided.

You remember the old joke “And that’s when the fight started?” Well, I was trying to avoid any topic of politics during our visit but the man made a statement regarding Barack Insane Obama that could not stand. He stated that “Obama was not a progressive, he is a republican” My response was as vague as I could be.. “Are you fuckin kidding me?” Now in most adult company that response would have been okay. But in the company of a preacher and a room full of kids it went over like a atom bomb.. Oh well.

So I stepped outside to calm myself before I jumped on this guy with both feet. the dumbass followed me…. Game on. I will refer to the guy in the recap as “DA”

DA“Evidently I hit a nerve, why? I thought it was obvious to everyone”

Me– “Okay DA, here goes nothing. I thought Obama was the dumbest son of a bitch to ever walk the face of the earth, until you opened your mouth. Saying Obama is not a progressive, proves you are uninformed, saying he’s a republican proves you’re an idiot”

DA– “Okay well, Obama is not a good President but I don’t think he’s progressive. He’s in the pockets of big business just like GWB was”

MeOkay, lets eat”…

Trying to not get my blood pressure up, strangling this guy in the backyard of my relative might not go over real well.

We headed back in to eat, sat down at the table and enjoyed a great meal with family… Then as we were just about done….

DA-What do you think about the OWS people?”

I heard my wife say… Uh Oh… all eyes went to me at that point.

Me- “Well, so much for a peaceful dinner, they are a bunch of spoiled, pot smoking unwashed, communists, spurned to action by a non-existent class war started by the democrat party to get the attention off of the disaster they have created” “Oh and I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire”

DA– “Oh I think they are right in protesting big business and they are doing good bringing attention to the corruption of big business”….

My wife at this point was a little worried I think… Maybe it was because I turned the grip on my steak knife from the meat cutting position to the, psycho stabbing position.

Me- “Tell me what big business has done that was illegal” “Tell me exactly how goldman sachs, or any of these big businesses who OWS are protesting did an illegal act and got away with it?ย  You can’t, let me help… They did NOTHING illegal, they took advantage of a system. You want to fix it, blame DC and protest the WH/Congress. Not shitting on PD cars, camping in the mud smoking pot and raping women. You support that shit? ever been to a tea party rally?”

DA- The tea party? Oh that was all the Koch brothers”…

Me- “And OWS was all Sorros and Van Jones, I went to several tea party rallies and I never seen any “Support” signs from Koch brothers, or unions, or any organizations. I also never saw anyone shitting on cop cars, raping women, or signs saying “FUCK AMERICA” at tea party rallies. We changed DC, we removed the Pelosi skank and took over the house. What is OWS doing? What are their goals? Do you expect to see an OWS candidate?.. Not likely.

DAThey all do it”

Me- “They all do what?” “You support the OWS idiots? You ever go to an OWS rally? You ever done anything but complain? You sit on your fat ass acting intellectual but you haven’t done shit. You complain, argue and whine about the way things are but haven’t done shit. You put your ass out there for something, stand for something ANYTHING, get off your ass and do something about the problems you see, you pick a fucking side and stand. I have, I’ve put my ass out there several times. You? Not a fucking thing…. It’s all about what you read, and assume accurate. You’re the reason this nation is in a fucking collapse pattern, you are SHEEP, you are moved by emotions rather than facts. You should be out there in a tent with your brethren who want everything handed to them”…

DA“I guess I hit a nerve”…

At this point I think my wife stabbed my leg with a fork and I took my gaze off DA to see the rest of the family sitting with their jaws open…. Awkward….

Anyway, the rest of the night the guy kept his distance from me for some reason. It might have been the blood dripping from my eyeballs….

We have folks in this world who believe Obama is not left enough, There is no GOD, and OWS are legitimate. 3 topics, 3 failures and if I had DA in a room for a day or two I’d be able to get some sense in him. It may be in the form of a .45 cal slug…

6 Replies to “Christmas with an Athiest, Progressive…”

  1. Hilarious. Hopefully it didn’t entirely ruin your evening. Thankfully, the few democrats/progressives/liberals I have in the family know better than to broach the subject of politics while I’m around because in an argument, fact beats emotion to a pulp every time.

    1. Da-truth, no it didn’t ruin our evening. It might have ruined his. After that exchange we didn’t see him till we left. Sometimes you gotta stop stupid if ya can’t fix it. We had some younger folks at the table who look up to that guy, now they have the opposing view. The youngsters stated they hadn’t looked at things that way… I opened some eyes. We all should be opening eyes of the lemmings verbally, before it requires us beating them shut physically. That time is coming too fast I’m afraid…

  2. Here’s an idea; next time you KNOW he’s gonna be there, take your .40, stick it between his eyes and see if he yells OH GAWD!!!!

    If not, he might be a real atheist… ๐Ÿ˜›

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