Charlie WTF?

Charlie WTF?

Okay with all the CRAP going on in the world, you know, like Libya, Egypt, Gas prices, Union goons, Obama’s cronies and basically the removal of America from within… I would like to post something extremely important!!!


Now I’ve done my share of modern chemistry experimentation but dang Charlie this is like putting a big sign around your neck that says “CRACK HEAD” Wake the hell up man before you end up like so many other entertainers…


3 Replies to “Charlie WTF?”

  1. Charlie Sheen is a decent actor, as actors go. He has done some movies I enjoy. That being said, I don’t give a damn about his personal life. But suddenly, we are being forced to view his personal life. WTF? Does he think that anyone really cares about his self destructive behavior? Does he really think that he is gaining any sympathy from the public by broadcasting his mental breakdown? He is just reinforcing the view that many of have of actors being spoiled, self absorbed idiots who refuse to take responsibility for their own bad decisions…

  2. Sheen has lost his damned mind. He is literally self-destructing before our eyes. That being said, the media spends much to much time on these celebrity assholes. Now for the next couple of months, the 6 o’clock news will report on this waste of air space rather than the real news.

    1. I agree Puma, It’s pretty damn sad if ya ask me BUT.. I’m a fan of nascar and the wrecks are the most exiting part…. This is like watching a train going at nascar speed toward a cliff, it’s coming the big kaboom and its gonna be great fireworks when it hits bottom.

      BTW, welcome to A&P

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