Category: Eric Holder

Mexican Incursion, Shooting at Hunters.

Mexican Incursion, Shooting at Hunters.

So is this how our border is secure? I guess those hunters didn’t abide by the Janet’s “Don’t go there” instructions on AMERICAN LAND…

US Authorities Investigate Incursion By Mexican Federal Police

EL PASO, Texas — Border Patrol officials are investigating an incursion by Mexican federal police into the United State on Thursday morning.

U.S. Border Patrol spokesman Doug Mosier said armed officers with Mexico’s Secretaria de Seguridad Publica federal police were in the incursion, which took place in El Paso, near the Border Patrol’s Ysleta station.

The Mexican government, Border Patrol and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department are investigating the incident. U.S. authorities responded to the incident.

An ABC-7 viewer contacted the station early Thursday, saying her son, husband and friends were hunting on the Rio Grande levy on the U.S. side when men on the Mexico side fired shots, narrowly missing them. She said more men on the Mexico side drove up with automatic weapons and into to U.S. side. She said the armed men fired weapons and stole hunters’ chairs and drove back into Mexico.

A couple days ago there was news about Mexican commando’s setting up operations on our side of the border. IF that’s the case, then perhaps these were not “Federales” they may have been cartel members looking for a fight with their own?… Either way it’s not a good thing.

Now personally I don’t care if the Mexicans want to use a staging area and share intel with us to get a handle on their issues. I really think that may be helpful. IF DONE CORRECTLY. However, it’s painfully obvious that the folks running our nation are inept. This operation needs to be shut down until we get some real leadership in charge.

The hunters who were shot at must have been bow hunting, because most deer rifles are pretty damn accurate from long distances.. Lord knows incoming rounds in my direction will get returned with accuracy… Why we are not reading about “White gun nut racist kill innocent Mexican Federale’s with a deer rifle” is beyond me.

Watch the Other hand Friday…

Watch the Other hand Friday…

With the media focused on Hurricane Irene and “Where’s Waldo Kadaffy” The crisis manager in the White House has a golden opportunity again to exert his will. What will the afternoon bring from the Socialist in Chief? What will his uber leftist/racists/progressive buddies come up with?… We’ll see around 2 or 3 this afternoon I’m sure. Stay tuned.

Obama and Holder lied again…

Obama and Holder lied again…

“We’re going to try 9-11 conspirators in Civilian courts”… HA! In my best “Speaker of the house” voice; “HELL NO YOU CAN’T” :rotfl:

Gitmo still open, Not only are we still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan but Obama started another war, Patriot act still law.. Let’s recap shall we?

Obama got into office with “Hope and Change” he blamed Bush for all the wars, said Gitmo needs to be closed, and railed against the Patriot act…. Funny, all of these things that made him a hero to the libers/progressives are still going on after almost three years. IS that a little strange? It’s almost like he THOUGHT he knew everything then all of the sudden realized he had no clue..

Holder is “Upset” at congress for not allowing him to bring the Islamic douchebags to New York… Um, Eric baby, you could have done it when your liberpuke party controlled ALL three power houses in DC…. You do know why it didn’t happen don’t you? It was because your daddy “Duh Won” knew you might lose the case, he also saw the writing on the wall for ANY election involving democrats if you lost the case. IF you lost and didn’t set them free it was a farce and if you won and didn’t get the punishment phase right you would be seen as a loser.. Well more than now.

It’s probably a good move to have the trials in the military, I understand you had to look like you were pissed off about it, but I know you breathed a huge sigh of relief…

Holder said “We are a nation of cowards” Yeah, well how much courage did it take to do exactly what George Bush wanted to do? How much courage does it take to keep doing what the previous administration did in all aspects. Want to know something really funny… George Bush would have instituted a no fly zone in Libya too…. Did George Bush get re-elected in 2008? Outside of high unemployment, and increasing debt I’d say it’s a toss up..

How do you like your change now liberpukes? :rotfl: