Category: Civil War

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Another in a series of historical figures.

Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877)

With no formal military training, Nathan Bedford Forrest became one of the leading cavalry figures of the Civil War. The native Tennesseean had amassed a fortune, which he estimated at $1,500,000, as a slave trader and plantation owner before enlisting in the Confederate army as a private in Josiah H. White’s cavalry company on June 14, 1861. Tapped by the governor, he then raised a mounted battalion at his own expense.

His assignments included: lieutenant colonel, Forrest’s Tennessee Cavalry Battalion (October 1861); colonel, 3rd Tennessee Cavalry (March 1862); brigadier general, CSA July 21, 1862); commanding cavalry brigade, Army of the Mississippi (summer-November 20, 1862); commanding cavalry brigade, Army of Tennessee (November 20, 1862 Summer 1863); commanding cavalry division, Army of Tennessee (summer 1863); commanding cavalry corps, Army of Tennessee (ca. August -September 29, 1863); commanding West Tennessee, (probably in) Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana (November 14, 1863 – January 11, 1864); major general, CSA (December 4, 1863); commanding cavalry corps, Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana January 11 – 28, 1864); commanding District of Mississippi and East Louisiana, Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana January 27 – May 4, 1865); also commanding cavalry corps, Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana January 28 – May 4, 1865); and lieutenant general, CSA (February 28, 1865).

When the mass Confederate breakout attempt at Fort Donelson failed, Forrest led most of his own men, and some other troops, through the besieging lines and then directed the rear guard during the retreat from Nashville. At Shiloh there was little opportunity for the effective use of the mounted troops and his command again formed the rear guard on the retreat. The day after the close of the battle Forrest was wounded. After serving during the Corinth siege he was promoted to brigadier general, and he raised a brigade with which he captured Murfreesboro, its garrison and supplies. (Source)

Paying tribute to those who stood in the time of hardship and struggle. Our nation experienced growing pains and the men I honor here gave all.

Black History Month?… Yeah that’s “Unity”

Black History Month?… Yeah that’s “Unity”

So we have an entire month again devoted to one race. In a country where diversity is supposed to be celebrated. One of the most divisive POTUS’s ever to “Occupy” DC is Barack Obama. A half black, Half White, Half Ass’d leftwing loon who has done more harm to our nation than ANY OTHER POTUS in the history of the office. Between HIM and his minions like Pelosi, Reid and their cheerleader Debbie Wassername Shitz.

Let me clue you guys in on a few simple facts. When you see NO color in a person only his/her actions and deeds, you are NOT racist. You are human and truly American. Until that point, you are a racist. You can be black/white/brown/yellow and be racist. The biggest con ever perpetrated on Americans is that only WHITE’S can be racist.

Why must we celebrate Black history month? Why wouldn’t a day or week be enough? Why not one month for every race? Lets see, December is Christmas time, time for reflections and celebrations of the birth of our lord and savior. The “Black Race” has seen fit to inject “Kwanza” into that month. Mmmm, kind of odd don’t ya think? Since Christ is not a race specific religion, Kwanza is.

Lets look at extreme racism at its finest:

Now think about this: Newt or Romney go to a neo-nazi camp and ask them to mobilize on their behalf to “Make change”…. now do you see the divisive nature of this “Black Month”… It’s no longer about “History” it’s about “Future” using history as a crutch.

Okay enough common sense. Let’s get to the meat of the issue. Black history month in my opinion is a farce of the truest order. So since I’m not being appreciated during February, me and my whiteness are going to offer some respect up to those in history who were true hero’s of the day. They stood up for the rights of their states, the rights of men to not be governed by tyrants without due process. They stood, fought and died on the battlefields of our nation. They lost the fight in the end, but to this day the fear that men would stand against too much government and die if needed to protect their rights is real. We will and we will be many.

Starting tomorrow each week day I’m posting civil war era remembrance. I’m going to start with Gen Robert E Lee. And I’ll be working down the line to include MANY including BLACK warriors of the time…

Remove the GAWD DAMN HYPHENS and be Americans or GTFO. Many died so you may “Live free” and that’s not just in the civil war, it’s throughout history and it’s not separated by race. ALL of us LIVE FREE because our forefathers stood. All races not just BLACK.

TexasFred has also weighed in on this topic and I’m sure BOTH of us will be called Racist for our views… Well, we’re white so I guess that’s it. sigh.

Occupy Oakland, Occupy Wall Street, etc.

Occupy Oakland, Occupy Wall Street, etc.

Okay folks here’s a 10 minute video that encompasses everything that OWS is:

Let me be perfectly clear. Protesting what you feel is wrong is perfectly acceptable to me. I admire the courage it takes to go out and stand for something. I’ve done it. My best friends have done it. The tea party was a great movement and we have a great start on change. The OWS movement had some valid arguments. However; their targets are wrong. These folks on the video are exactly the reason the tea party was formed. WE the People are NOT those people.

Are you ready for war? It’s coming. This country is divided. This country is about to go through a generational shift of ideals. This country is about to fall into full blown civil war because of ONE MAN. Obama’s policies have failed miserably. And that was the only hope the left had. They put all their eggs in Obama’s basket and he dropped it. NOW we’re seeing what happens when liberal policies fail to produce the utopian dream. Temper tantrum.

We’ve had 2 months of this crap. People are waking up.

I’m hoping business leaders in areas that these protests are occurring close their shops. IF the leadership in your city/town allowed this to go unabated. YOU SHOULD CLOSE YOUR BUSINESS and take your business elsewhere. Especially the banks. Remove all ATM’s, remove ALL bank branches, remove all foot prints of banks in Oakland. That should make for some really fun times out there….


Occupy Wall Street..Major FAIL…

Occupy Wall Street..Major FAIL…

You gotta love the OWS folks, they keep providing fodder for our enjoyment. But this post is is more about the Republicans in office during this temper tantrum.

Peter King and a few other R’s have decided to comment on the OWS morons in the street. I have a message to the Republicans:

To ALL Republicans in DC and elsewhere: SHUT UP about OWS!. Don’t mention OWS, don’t comment on them, don’t even acknowledge their temper tantrum in anyway. That sets you apart from the DEMOCRATS during the Tea party rallies. It also will set you up as the adult in the room. Let us, the new media, the FAIR media and the State run media fight out the actions. Let us handle it, you stay away from it. GOT IT?

What a ZERO COMMENT by Republicans does is; It sets you up as the parent. Parents (Good parents) when their kids throw a temper tantrum, they don’t feed it, they don’t give in, they IGNORE IT. Try it and believe me, it will help in the long run.

The Tea party is firmly on the high ground and the longer the OWS idiots protests, the more people are seeing what leftist ideologies breed. MORE and MORE people are moving away from the OWS street fair and moving back to American ideals. Maybe there’s a use for OWS, alternatives are great ways to move people. Right now we have OWS vs Tea Party… The battle is on.. Oooops it’s already over. Tea Party wins in a KO first round…

Union Head to America: “War”

Union Head to America: “War”

Jimmy Hoffa(1), one of the most notoriously corrupt heads of the Teamsters Union back in the day turned up missing. Jimmy Hoffa (2) seems to be pushing to find out what happened to his dad first hand.

Hoffa on tea party, congressional conservatives: ‘Let’s take these sons of bitches out!’

While warming up a Detroit crowd for President Barack Obama’s Labor Day speech, Teamsters union president Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. said unions need to fight a “war” against tea partiers and congressional Republicans. “President Obama, this is your army,” Hoffa said. “We are ready to march. Let’s take these sons of bitches out and take America back to where America we belong.”

I guess this is the new tone we are supposed to be observing. According to the liberal elites the tea party is a group of terrorists but this rhetoric is acceptable? Mmm.. Okay then here goes.

The AFL/CIO the Union who are represented by the stupid son of a bitch known as Jimmy Hoffa can bring it on. I would be extremely happy to oblige any of these SON OF A BITCHES in a war of their choosing. I will be extremely happy in my work to exterminate the enemy in that war. That war of which they speak is coming and I ask one thing of those listened to Jimmy Hoffa’s speech:

When that “War” kicks off, Look to your left, look to your right. Then ask yourself “Are these the people who share my values?”. On your side will be ANSWER, ACORN, The Socialists of America, The Communists of America, La Raza, The New Black Panthers, The Congressional black Caucus members and their constituents…

Then look on the other side.. IF you still hold firm to your worship at the foot of a UNION who is ruining our work force to deepen their own pockets, then so be it.. You will be in my sights in that “WAR” and I don’t miss. See ya on the battlefield.

Defending our Nation from within…

Defending our Nation from within…

I’m seriously concerned about our nation. Let me explain this concern:

We are moving into a time where political ideology is going to be front page news. The 2012 election is about to kick into gear. The Debt crisis, the economy, lack of employment, crime statistics are starting to go up, Police officers are increasingly being killed in the line of duty, the world is on edge, our founding documents are under attack, the media is ignoring facts and hiding truth for their own benefit…. And many more issues are creating a perfect storm.

What is going on in our nation can be found in history. We have states fighting the Federal Government over several issues. And we have an election coming up that will pit a divided nation against one another. We have seen in history what happens when a nation is as divided as we are now. It was called the civil war.

We are under assault make no mistake this is all out war for our freedom. We see it every day from those in DC and in local governments. We see the division on the evening news. We see the lines between RIGHT AND WRONG being blurred by emotions and idiocy. We see the problems yet we have no answer that satisfies BOTH party’s concerns.

What worries me is the potential for violence. Our political system is ripe for violence based on the lies and deceit of those with an agenda. We hear “Fox news is bad” Fox news is the only station actually reporting on several issues that should be front page news across the nation. IF the people would wake up and see what our elected officials are truly up to, perhaps we can save our nation from the demons within….

Here’s a couple of scenario’s:

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The War of Northern Aggression Started Today, 150 years ago…

The War of Northern Aggression Started Today, 150 years ago…

To honor my forefathers who fought on BOTH sides of the WAR of Northern Aggression which started on April 12, 1861:

On this day in 1861:

When President Lincoln planned to send supplies to Fort Sumter, he alerted the state in advance, in an attempt to avoid hostilities. South Carolina, however, feared a trick; the commander of the fort, Robert Anderson, was asked to surrender immediately. Anderson offered to surrender, but only after he had exhausted his supplies. His offer was rejected, and on April 12, the Civil War began with shots fired on the fort. Fort Sumter eventually was surrendered to South Carolina.

This war cost over 620,000 lives, it was bloody, it was gruesome, it was over states rights. Regardless of the “Slavery” aspect, the war was over the right of Washington to dictate to the states how to govern their people.


I’m a rebel through and through.

In Remembrance of those brave men who faced the wall of lead balls with courage and conviction of their cause. One day the South shall rise again, may it be soon.