Category: Benghazi

The Record Speaks for Itself..

The Record Speaks for Itself..

After six years of Obama politics. Six years with a Senate controlled by the party of the President. Two years when Barack Obama had control of both houses of Congress… A partial list of his campaign promises and the results of his failed leadership:


Reduce the national debt: No
Close Guantanamo Bay: No
Get lobbying out of politics: No
Make government transparent: No
Reduce unemployment: No
Fix immigration mess: No
Balance a budget: NO
Unite the nation: NO
Help the Poor: NO
Make education affordable: NO

There’s many more NO’s but its a start.

Here are some YES’s…
Degrade our military: Yes
Use Government agency’s to stifle Opposition: Yes
Spy on American citizens: Yes
Kill American Citizens with drones: Yes
Unravel the best healthcare system in the world: Yes
Lie about Obamacare: Yes
Blame an embassy attack on a youtube video: Yes
Allow four Americans to be killed in Benghazi and go to Vegas to party: Yes
Pick and choose which laws the government will enforce: Yes
Instruct the Dept of Justice to look the other way at voter intimidation: Yes
Blame everyone under the sun for failures: Yes
Egypt in Chaos: Yes
Get punk’d by Vladimir Putin regarding Syria: Yes
Make a nuclear deal with Iran that allows them to get a nuclear bomb: Yes
Watch Iraq burn because you didn’t get a status of force agreement: Yes
Change the Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan so our guys are handcuffed: Yes
Announce withdraw date and ignore the Military deaths climbing to 2/3 of total: Yes

There’s many more Yes’s just like this, but it’s a start.


When faced with these FACTS, these RECORDS the Democrat voter, the Obama supporters will go to the standard. “Race Card” or the “But George Bush” argument. They tend to use the good things that Obama has done… Which I can’t think of ANY, they will point to his “Equality” work. His Gay Marriage/Gays in the military or the “DreamAct executive order” So, these things are what he’s going to hang his “Legacy” on? Gays and Dreamers?


Look, the fact is I can’t stand Barack Obama. And it’s got nothing to with his paint job. Its his record. Its also the fact that Barack Obama has been president for only less than half of the nation. He’s done NOTHING for the good of the nations economy, military, welfare, energy or the future for our kids. He’s only doing things that will gain voters to the democrat party by promising to provide for those less fortunate. He’s not offering HIS personal time or money to help them, he’s offering to take OTHERS money to help the less fortunate. That’s not “Noble” that’s THEFT.


Take a look at the record again at the top of this post. Ask yourself: IF a white democrat had that record would it be okay with you? What has Barack Obama done for the Black community? Record unemployment. What has he done for the latino community? Record unemployment. What has he done for the youth? record unemployment. You may ask: Why is it Barack Obama’s fault? The answer is simple, his policies have stifled business while helping the stock market. IF the fed wasn’t pumping in money into the economy (Quantitative easing) The stock market would be around 7 to 8 thousand. That’s it.


What Obama has done with his policies is enable him to continue his drive to socialism without upsetting the people. The people, have been demonized by charges of racism if they disagree with dear leader so they stay silent or put up false arguments to ease their conscience.


Barack Obama is running the nation like a mayor of a city. He’s demonized the rich in public while at the same time, made them richer. The “Evil 1%” has grown since Obama declared war on them. The tuitions of college students has gone up.. The very folks he used to get elected by promising them a fix are getting fixed now.

The Tea Party patriots have been vindicated by the results of 6 years of tyrannical leftist rule. And its going to get worse if in 2014 Conservatives don’t take over the senate.


The results I started this post with will grow. I’m betting in the near future Obama will try to gain back his socialist base by closing GITMO. Mark my words there will be a push to do two things in the near future: One Amnesty, Two Gitmo. Those are two issues that pit Conservatives against Republicans and Republicans against Libertarians.

Sorry for such a long post but I felt my blood boiling and I needed to release the pressure.


The March to a Small War….

The March to a Small War….

Here we are folks, at the door steps of another war in the middle east. A war that is needed and is coming eventually. But not needed NOW. Not with this weakling in charge. Not with this snake in the grass at the helm.


We have John Kerry who is supporting this action but will be opposed to it the minute someone other than a Democrat is in charge. Remember when the chants of “Blood for Oil” were the cries of democrats about Iraq? Even though our gas prices have been higher than EVER since IRAQ, those chants echo now. Lets start our chants of “No War for EGO” in Syria.


Here is the bottom line and remember you heard it here first (If not first, then please point me too where the first was)

The reason we are even talking about Syria is because Obama opened his mouth and put out a “Red Line” That red line was heard by EVERYONE not just Assad. Think about this logically: Assad was WINNING the civil war, he’s holding on to every major city and taking back those he lost. The Obama mentioned that a red line for us would be chemical weapons. Next thing we hear is chemical weapons were used. Odd huh? Do you think Assad wanted the attention of the American military when he was WINNING? or is it more likely that the rebels staged or used them to get Military help because they were losing? LOGIC dictated the latter…

This is the leadership team dealing with Syria



Are you confident now?

Think about it: IF you were losing a fight and needed help, help was out there but something had to happen first would you make it happen? I submit that’s exactly what has happened and our idiot in chief is playing into the hands of AQ and Al Nusra front…

What else has all this stupid done? Well it has placed the defunding of Obamacare on the back burner, it’s delayed any Amnesty discussion, its stopped the Benghazi talk, the NSA, the IRS, the DOJ the election fraud discussions… It has also given the propaganda networks cover for asking tough questions.


We have John Kerry who betrayed our soldiers twice already as Secretary of State, We have a proven liar in Susan Rice looking for a video to blame for Syria, We have Joe Biden looking for a shotgun to shoot through the door and on top of the heap is Obama who is the ring leader of this circus. You feel confident yet?


IF war must come and America must enter it, let it be with competent leadership that understands YOU ONLY CONTROL YOUR ACTION not the response. If you attack Syria and they get lucky and sink a ship what then? No boots? Just a small shot across the bow? Surrender? What?

The Trap is Set for Syria and Republicans

The Trap is Set for Syria and Republicans

My take on the “Syria crisis” is the same as my last post with a new twist. This blustering first, then no action is typical of the far left liberal we all know Obama is. Obama painted himself into a corner with his “Red Line” comment. He took a page out of Mr Netanyahu’s playbook but didn’t read the whole book. He should have read far enough to understand that a redline stance only works if you are prepared to go all in if the redline is crossed.

So now we have Obama going to congress for permission to attack Syria’s LEGITIMATE Regime on behalf of “Freedom Fighters” also known as Al Nusra front, Al Qaeda and various factions of ISLAMIC RADICALS who have been at war with us for 50+years.

This is the trap: No matter what happens the left has spin material. IF congress doesn’t vote to allow Obama his power to strike, Obama has a way out of his redline bluster. This is the desired path Obama wants to take. This gives him the ” I would have helped save the children of Syria but those evil republicans wanted them dead” defense. IF congress allows Obama the power to strike and it goes well it will be because “Obama’s leadership and his decisive action saved the day” if it doesn’t go well, Democrats who voted against and republicans will blame each other and Obama will skate..


I’m convinced that Obama WILL NOT strike Syria now no matter what congress decides to do. At least not in the conventional way. No cruise missile or air attack, maybe a cyber attack that he can claim eliminated something…


I’m also convinced that any action in Syria now is foolish. Too much time has passed, we don’t know who we’re fighting for or against. And that right there is DIFFERENT than Iraq. Regardless if you think Iraq was a mistake or not, the fact that George Bush went ALL IN with regime change goal and didn’t pull punches (At least in the beginning) made the world take notice. He said he would and he did. That gains trust from your allies and concern from your enemies. Obama? Well he’s untrustworthy to our allies and a laughing stock to our enemies.

Mark my words folks, Syria is a distraction. It’s moved up on the docket and kicked important things like BENGHAZI, IRS, NSA, DOJ scandals to the bottom. Syria is keeping us from talking about OBAMACARE and the ECONOMY as well as the racial division Obama has created. Syria is a perfect problem for Obama and he’s even handling that poorly.


Obama deflecting again…

Obama deflecting again…

So, Obama decides to give warnings to Syria, talks red lines like a boss. Then after the red lines are crossed like a school girl playing hopscotch, he goes after America’s 2nd Amendment… Wow.

Think about that for a second. Just open your eyes for a second and your mind and think about that.

Obama wants to get involved in Syria because Syria bombed Syria. He wants to send the rebels, also known as Al Qaeda guns/ammo and other weapons. While at the same time eliminating YOUR Right to own firearms. Wow.

Personally, I’ love reading about muslims in Syria being killed by other Muslims in Syria. It gives me a chubby.

Here’s the facts folks listen up I’m only going to say it once.

The Obama presidency is the result of affirmative action. Its the result of a politically correct society gone impotent. Obama is what happens when a society decides that you can get something for nothing. Obama is what happens when a society fails to hold our leaders to the same standard as all the other leaders. When the bar is lowered because of the color of ones skin you get the Obama administration. And when that administration has 95% of the media in the tank you get the democrat party on steroids. You get exactly what we have now, you get a world in chaos because American leadership is missing, because the president of the most powerful nation in the world, is the enemy of the most powerful nation of the world. We have allowed a virus in the nations bloodstream and we have not yet realized the cure.

The cure is CONSERVATISM. Not RINOplasty, Not DEMOCRATS..

Time for a change…

News Dump…

News Dump…

So “There will be no death panels, Sarah Palin is being political” Remember that quote? Remember the media outrage over the tea party’s assertion that obamacare would result in people sitting in judgement over peoples lives.


Kathleen Sebelius at center of storm over child’s lung transplant

The plight of a dying 10-year-old girl in urgent need of a lung transplant has been taken up by some GOP lawmakers, and it’s shining a light on what critics say is a questionable policy that puts children further down the waiting list.

I guess Sarah was wrong, no panels just one liberal progressive deciding who should be alive. Cool right?

How about the Susan Rice appointment to a non-conformation hearing position… WOW

AP source: Donilon resigns as security adviser

Obama National Security

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama’s top national security adviser Tom Donilon is resigning and will be replaced by U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, marking a significant shakeup to the White House foreign policy team.

Lets look at that for a minute. A person who follows blindly the talking points handed to her by Barack Obama and his campaign staff, is now going to be “Advisor” to him. Basically that is to say, Susan Rice will be saying YES to whatever Obama and Valerie Jarret decide is best for our nation. Just like blaming the deaths of four Americans on a video and lying for weeks about the cause of Benghazi. Good plan. All this is, a giant F–K You to the American people. Obama is saying “I’m king, I do what I want”

Then there’s the McRino, Grahamnesty Rubio backstabbing of America over the latest Amnesty push.


Marco Rubio indicates he won’t vote for own immigration bill without changes

Key word “Indicates” never said outright. Rubio threw a promising career away for something that didn’t need to be done. The only thing he did was assist the democrat party in making republicans the bad guys in the media again. Rubio fell for the cigar room and brandy elites like McCain and Graham who have this idea that hispanics will vote R if they help pass reform. NOT going to happen. What will happen is AMNESTY will allow a surge in Democrat voters and end any hopes of republican leadership for many many years. UNLESS it is done under a REPUBLICAN Presidents term.

The Immigration reform must include MORE PUNITIVE language than give aways and it must include BORDER ENFORCEMENT. Anything else is LOSER for America.



IRS, Benghazi, DOJ Oh My…

IRS, Benghazi, DOJ Oh My…

Lots of stuff going on this week hate I missed it all around the blogs and what-not. But I, unlike the Obama voter or Mainstream media still pay attention.


What I find funny is the media’s outrage over one of their own being investigated. Here’s a thought for the mainstream media: IF you want to get back in to the American peoples trust center. How about finding something on dear leader that Bloggers and FOX haven’t found already?

Note to the American people: Watch the other hand. Obama has scandal on top of scandal. His minions are circling the wagons. There are two ways to deal with an attack. Run or fight. There is NO RE-ELECTION coming from the liar in chief. Therefor “RUN” isn’t going to happen. The “FIGHT” is going to be more lies, more deceit, more deflection, more intimidation, more over reach.


Trust me when I tell you, the next couple weeks will see the left in full attack mode. Look for an all out Anti-GUN push, started with BIDEN, it will be the most heinous push for draconian gun laws, it will make Feinstein and Bloomburg have orgasms just hearing it. What will that do? You may ask..

The left sees a winner in background/magazine limit/Evil Black Rifle bans. They are of the opinion that 90% of America believe its a needed law. Obama knows that’s the biggest cause WE THE PEOPLE will fight tooth and nail. IF they come out in the media supporting such ridiculous laws, the attention will shift from the IRS/DOJ/Benghazi/Obamacare/Economy etc…

Not to mention, it will get Americans off the media’s lack of credibility and give them a break for a minute or two.


Any bets I’m right? I’ll even give you a date range. Between Sunday and Friday. I’ll even give you the face of the “Law Push” Joe Biden will stand in front of a group of gun violence victims.


Just a hunch, I hope I’m wrong but I sure as hell see a pattern. IF it’s not guns it will be something else. Maybe gay rights/Amnesty/Muslim oppression…

Obama gets a dose of Reality.

Obama gets a dose of Reality.

Well, I guess better late than never… Or Not.

Benghazi, IRS, AP are just the latest. Well, the latest that the media arm of the democrat party will admit. Forgive me if I don’t sympathize with the Associated Press reporters being investigated. Evidently, the reporters stepped out of line and went rogue. They must have questioned something that only FOX reporters or Bloggers can question.


Lets recap a little shall we: Since Obama has taken control of America, we the people have KNOWN there’s some underhanded power abuses happening. The executive orders based on ideology not facts. The Solyndra scandal and several others were pushed under the rug by the media elites.

Obamacare is another issue that WE the American people saw as a train wreck back when Pelosi was screaming that we must pass it to find out what’s in it. Now? IRS is going to administer that program. No problem huh?


Sequester was supposed to be the ruin of America instead its actually HELPED more than anything Obama has done.

If you remember the elite media buried all of Obama’s records including birth records. ANYONE who dared asked about them were put into an “Extremist/Racist” barrel by the very same media that is now asking questions…


I’m not a “Birther” but it begs for an answer that since everything we’ve said since 2008 is either being proven true now or its at least under scrutiny. Perhaps we should be investigating EVERYTHING…

And for the record, having the DOJ investigate the IRS for helping Obama is about as funny as having YOU investigate YOURSELF for any wrongdoing. I’m betting you won’t find anything.

Keep the pressure on Benghazi, IRS and everything to do with Obamacare.


Benghazi a Job Well Done.

Benghazi a Job Well Done.

First off, lets give credit where it’s due. NEW MEDIA held on like a pit bull to this FAILURE OF LEADERSHIP story. Thank GOD for the internet, Fox News and Bloggers across the world. Well done.

Now lets talk about the failure of “Legacy Media” otherwise known as “Lapdog media” or “Alphabet networks” these are known by their call signs: CNN/CBS/NBC/ABC/MSNBC. They failed miserably OR did they succeed?


This BENGHAZI thing happened before the presidential election. There were MANY MANY QUESTIONS that should have been asked by the elite media reporters. But they weren’t, the story made headlines for a day or two but only to report that a video was causing an uproar… NOT ONCE did any of the legacy elite media ask the hard questions about Hillary or Obama’s lack of leadership. Their only story’s revolved around the video.


If you notice, I’m not ranting about Obama or Hillary, I’m more pissed that our media elites failed America than the liberals occupying space in DC.


This is the fact. Someone was going to be killed in that Benghazi attack. Maybe four Americans would have been killed even if help was sent. Maybe more Americans would have died. MAYBE NO AMERICANS would have been killed and a lot of enemy would have been killed… We will never know because of a failure to act. A political body felt the risk was to great to their career to act. Someone decided that saving the four Americans was too risky to their job security/legacy/future than to actually PROTECT AMERICANS.


The story is NOT only about those people who failed to act it’s about the failure of our media watchdogs to do what they are supposed to do. IF today’s media were around when our forefathers were fighting the redcoats, Our founders would have treated them as the enemy and hung them for treason.


Anyone who watches ANY OF THE ELITE MEDIA NEWS is complicit in their involvement of treason. There’s better ways to get news. Fox is not perfect but at least they’re reporting FACTS about the issues. Stay away from the opinion shows and FOX is heads and tails above any of the legacy media news.


The media, the news on the alphabet networks have lost all credibility. This will not be noticed until there’s a REPUBLICAN in the White House. At that minute, when a reporter for any of the “Obama media group” decides to ask a hard question of a Republican POTUS, the return question will be “Where were you when Obama stood here?” The only way credibility can return to legacy media would be to fire every one of the reporters after Obama is out of office. NO OTHER WAY.


Our founders would have hung “Traitor” signs at the offices of “Lapdog Media” and they would have hung the employees from the tallest tree.
