Category: 2016 election

Sex, Sexual Assaults and Accusations..

Sex, Sexual Assaults and Accusations..

Well well.. The news lately is absolutely hilarious. Its even funnier when you look back to last years election and remember this:

“Donald Trump in an audio recording with Billy Bush said Grab em by the pussy” The entire media played this on a loop for 2 weeks.

The outrage from EVERY ONE OF THE RECENTLY ACCUSED sexual abusers (Except for Roy Moore which I’ll get to in a minute) were very loud.  Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Casey Afflek, Woody Allen, James Toback, Ben Afflek, Bryan Singer, Brett Ratner, Roman Polanski, Jeremy Pivin, Dustin Hoffman, Oliver Stone, Louis CK and a new one today none other than George Tekei. 

Now I could go on and add their tweets/statements and interviews where they were just absolutely horrified over “Grab em by the pussy” …As I’ve always said. When the left is accusatory, realize they are guilty of it and are projecting their guilt on others to make them feel better. Almost 90% of the time this is an accurate statement.

Now what is the motivation for these accusations against the Hollywood elite? Why is it now coming out? What drove these people to all the sudden start talking? Motivation is a very important part of this issue. I haven’t heard any of these “Accusers” releasing a book, movie or running for office. So why? Are the accusers Trump supporters? haven’t heard anything like that, matter of fact most of the accusers are very far left. So why? There’s nothing in it for them which makes them very credible.

Now lets move on to Roy Moore of Alabama who has been accused of asking out a young girl 30yrs ago. He was 30+ she was between 14-17 depending on what news channel you listen to. This story was in the Washington Post. “WAPO” has put out several unfounded hit pieces on republicans and been unmasked as source of bogus information during the election. To be completely fair, they’ve never put out a hit piece on Democrats that was found to be baseless and unfounded. Odd huh?

Roy Moore faces a democrat in the special election in a couple weeks for the seat Jeff Sessions held. Roy Moore was the anti-Establishment candidate. Even Trump supported his opponent in the primaries. The GOP elites threw every dime they could to Luther Strange. And Moore still won. He was on a path to a landslide victory and a senate seat until this “Accusation”

So lets use the same “Motivation” argument we did for the Hollywood elites:

What is in it for the accusers? It has come to light today that one was an interpreter for Hillary, All 4 of them are democrats, none of them mentioned this in 40 years of Moore being in public office. Who benefits from this accusation? Does Moore? Nope. Who benefits? The democrat party, the establishment GOP/DNC the democrat opponent.

So who is most credible? As it stands now I’m firmly behind Roy Moore. Hell, 30yrs ago he was 30 or so, the girl being 17 (Rumor or true) being asked out on a date.. Did he know she was 17 not 18? Also let me just throw this out there, no touching had occurred. So the accusation even if he asked her out, did they go out? NO? Mmmm.

This is a hit job just like WAPO did to Trump and you have to ask, where are the accusers of Trump now? Crickets.



President Donald Trump!!!

President Donald Trump!!!

Well, I had my doubts.. BUT NOT ANYMORE!!!

Trump has done exactly what he said he’d do and more. Not only that he unmasked the fascist left, he has the muslim terrorist support staff at CAIR in a frenzy, he’s got the Mexican president throwing a temper tantrum and democrats crying on the stage!! WINNING!

In the first 2 weeks, Trump has basically wiped the memory of Obama off the history books. That’s the real issue here. Obama was the fascist lefts hero, he could do no wrong.

BUT We the people must be vigilant with all this winning. We must not give Trump too much power… The constitution must be respected. Here’s the issue though. The Constitution has been bent and twisted for the last eight years unabated. So how do you remove the bends and twists without bending and twisting on the way back? You can’t. So there will be some leeway we will have to grant as long as the direction of the bends and twists lead back to the constitution.

Now lets take a look at Trump’s opposition: The democrat senators/house that are blocking his appointees. It was expected. It will fail. It will help Republicans in house/senate races in 2018. As will these protesters..


Every one of these senate democrats that are holding up Trump’s cabinet picks are showing their constituents who they are. Some are happy, MOST aren’t and the number of those that AREN’T will grow exponentially over time.


Democrats have proven they can’t govern. They’ve proven to be the party of complain with no solutions or blame when their solutions don’t work.

Trump is doing exactly what he was put in office to do, wear a big boot and kick ass. Hope he’s ready to use it a lot. The protesters, the so-called “anti-fascists” crew of the democrat party are using their media attention to make it seem like Trump is uniting the nation against him…

Its the same echo chamber filled democrat held states and counties that Hillary won. She lost 33 states out of 50. She lost over 2,600 counties to around 500 counties. These are the same protesters that were out on Nov 9th before Trump ever took office. So there’s no credibility for any protest afterwards. They really don’t want a revolution do they?


One more note: The “Republicans” who supported Trump in the election all won their seats. The ones who didn’t aren’t there this session. 2018 is coming and we’re watching.

Gonna be a great and entertaining year.. MAGA!!!!



Obama Cares About Immigration…Cuba?

Obama Cares About Immigration…Cuba?

As the Obama administration comes to an end. (aka The era of the failed experiment of electing a leader based on his/her color/gender or sexual preference)  We are seeing the true colors of Liberalism.

For over a month now, we’ve seen the truth. Liberalism has been unmasked for the world to see and people with IQ’s over a jellyfish have taken notice. Here’s some highlights:

1 Stock market rises on news of Trump POTUS: Fed Raises Rates.(Rates should have been raised several times before now, but if it did and tanked, Obama would be blamed and he wasn’t allowing that to happen)

2. Russian Hacking claim leads to Expelling Russian diplomats. (China hacked pentagon, Russia actually took over another country and no action from Obama. But the mere mention of Russia meddling *UNSUBSTANTIATED* produced action)

3. Federal take over of vast ocean resources.

4. My favorite one: Ending of “Wet foot dry foot” program for Cubans. This is the one that I am most interested in:

So “Wet foot Dry Foot” is now dead because Obama killed it. Which means Cubans can no longer be granted citizenship if they reach Florida. Barack Obama hates BROWN PEOPLE!!

Why would Barack Obama the champion of illegal Immigrants want to stop immigration by Cubans? Why would conservatives be upset about it? Ah, this is the play.. I am against all forms of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION TO THE USA so on one hand I’m actually fine with Obama doing this.

On the other hand it’s a petulant child move. Cubans overwhelmingly voted for TRUMP in Florida and basically stole the election from Hillary. Cuban’s in Florida celebrated Fidel Castro’s death. Remember, Castro was a hero to Barack Obama… So what better way to punish them than to remove the possibility that their family may get here too. And there’s the added “Gotcha” of:  If Trump reinstates it, he then becomes Pro-Illegal Immigration and makes his wall a hypocritical/political wall not an American first wall..

Barack Obama basically put up a wall for Cuban Illegal Immigration, yet is okay with Mexican (And south of Mexico) Illegal Immigration? What about the children? Don’t they want better lives too? Why do you hate brown people Barack Obama? democrats why are you so racist?

Trump is a smart man, he’s playing chess while Obama is playing with his barbie doll. Trump will designate Cuban refugee’s for vetting the same way as “Syrian” and that will give the appearance of fairness. The wall gets built, the vetting process will actually be a good thing and the nation will be better for it.

8 days left guys, the worst POTUS ever will be GONE!!! REJOICE that we survived such an immature child king…..

After Election Random Thoughts

After Election Random Thoughts

Trump won. holy crap, TRUMP WON! I had bets he was going to lose big time. I fell for the media’s and others ploy and figured all was lost. TRUMP WON!!! whew.
So a few random thoughts I’ve had over the last week or so..

  1. I have only TWO expectations of Trump, anything above these will be icing on the cake: 1. Put conservatives/constitutionalists on the Supreme Court. 2. Support Israel. After 8 years of sitting back and criticizing every action Israel took to defend itself, what’s coming now will need a strong U.S backing.
  2. Hillary Clinton sure made a mess out of this election. A lot of revelations came up during this election and the more information that came out, the more people realize Obama was a major part of most of it. IF the Republicans don’t go after both of them they’re missing a golden opportunity.
  3. Trump has made a few cabinet selections, some I like, some I don’t but as I voted for Trump, I’ll try and be neutral on his help selection. But once he gets sworn in the clock starts and he’s on the hook for who he picked.
  4. A lot of liberals are pissed off and in the streets protesting fair democratic elections.. Right after the media warned that Trump supporters would be protesting in the streets if Hillary won.
  5. There’s now a recount in Wisconsin because Jill Stein say’s there may be some fraud and abuse of our election. Funny, she didn’t get more than a few votes but wants a recount? Odd. If I didn’t know better I’d think maybe Hillary was behind this except she criticized Trump for not saying he’d honor the results. Couldn’t be her..
  6. Fidel Castro died, that’s awesome. Well, for most people who know real monsters exist and have any history knowledge before liberal revisionists white washed the books. Trump/Rubio/Cruz and MILLIONS of Cuban American’s seem very happy about it, liberals like Pelosi/Obama/Jill Stein seem to have lost a friend.
  7. I have noticed a lot of “Never Trump’rs” are searching for validation for not voting for Trump. Every decision/statement/tweet of post Trump makes, brings out the “See, we told you he wasn’t a conservative”.. I never thought he was a conservative, most people didn’t. But we knew he would fight the fight that needed to be fought and not lay down like Romney and McCain.
  8. Obama said he’ll speak out against Trump if he thinks Trump is going against “American values” Note to Obama: YOUR American values aren’t AMERICANS VALUES, if they were, Hillary would be POTUS and you wouldn’t be the SCFOAMF and the worst President ever.

Obama is on the way out and personally I can’t wait. But there’s about 57 days before he’s gone and he can do a lot of damage. Pray we make it to the party.

2016 Presidential Election

2016 Presidential Election

It’s been a while, busy as hell in my world. I’m still alive and aware, I’ve been following this election as I’m sure most real Americans have. Here’s my thoughts on this choice we must make:

Hillary Clinton: If she becomes our next president. We can expect: Barack Obama’s policies to continue, our standing in the world to continue to diminish, our economy to continue to stagnate, our debt to grow and our society to become further divided.

Donald Trump: If he becomes our next president. We can expect: A serious attempt to bring back our nation from the brink of disaster. How? I have no idea. Trump is a fly in the ointment. Trump is a fixer, Trump is a neanderthal type like I am. Trump is someone that see’s a problem, see’s the simplest path to the solution and goes for it. He’s the absolute opposite of the elitists that have been in office for far too long. I want him to win just so he can throw a monkey wrench into the gears of ineptitude that have poisoned our federal government.

I have voted already for Donald Trump.

Now on to the “Never Trump” crowd:

If Donald Trump loses by a slim margin. The Republican party dies, 2018 will be a blood bath like no other. The GOP will lose both house/senate and governors all over the nation. Why? Because the MILLIONS of us, who voted for Trump will remember why he lost. We will remember that the GOP elites, the RINO’s in the party put their feelings ahead of the nation. We will exact revenge under the same guise they used to put Hillary into the oval office. We will remember and we will get our pound of flesh.

The voter turnout in 2018 will be the lowest in the history of voting in the USA if Trump loses. Our vote, the MILLIONS who wanted real change from the good ol boy network in DC will no longer be “Republicans” we will be Disenfranchised Americans and we will cause the CALIFORNICATION of DC. You know what that means? Look it up.

In CA there are token Republicans in the legislature. It is a Super Majority in Sacramento in all reality because the R’s are basically Democrats. In DC after 2018, if Trump loses that is how this nation will be ran.

There will be “Succession” talk in Texas and some other states. It will not happen. There will be all kinds of begging for “Unity” from the GOP. That too will not happen. The MILLIONS of Trump voters who fought the media, the DNC the RNC the outside influence the overwhelming bias across the nation will remember.

Ben Shapiro, Ben Sasse, Kasich, Graham, McCain and all the other “Never Trump’rs will be reminded in 2018 that our “principles” are the most important part of the election and we can’t support anyone who supported Hillary Clinton by absentia/actual vote or by campaigning against Trump. We will remember and we are legion.

You better hope that Trump wins this election and becomes our president. That is the only way the Republican party survives.




Hillary and her security blanket.

Hillary and her security blanket.

Hillary is faltering, there’s some big changes coming…

Hillary now has pneumonia, it was “just a cough”, it was “She’s fine” it was “Heat stress” it was “Allergies”  now it’s something else…

Here’s my take on it:


Hillary was supposed to run away with this election. It was her time, she’s done all the dirty work, she’s had the right people killed, she’s promised everything, to all the right people, she’s guaranteed access to the White House when she moved in. She’s promised policy changes that would benefit the elitists and the foreign dignitaries, she’s hidden all the bodies, she’s lied and cheated all the way from the lawyers office in Ark. IT WAS HER TURN!!!


The DNC had a plan for Jeb, Christie, and even Carson.. They had no plan for Trump. They are scrambling to find something to knock Trump out of the race… They can’t. Hell, he’s helping them and he’s still right there with her in the polls. WHY?

This is an election of the elites vs the people. The super connected crony politicians vs the people. Trump isn’t perfect but he’s different enough. He’s pushing a pro America message that this country hasn’t seen in over eight years and WE NEED IT!


So what we are seeing now is the last play in the book of democrat electioneering. “Elicit sympathy for your candidate” First you claim victimhood because of your race or gender. Next you may have a death in the family or someone very close to you, if that doesn’t work your health is poor and you’re so brave for working through it. Look around at some of the supposedly “Unbiased” media and tell me I’m wrong.


Mark my words folks, Hillary is desperate to win. The DNC may be having second thoughts though. Hillary’s baggage is having a huge effect on this election. When Democrat’s are flocking to Trump because of Hillary, the head democrat Barack Obama is going to take notice. Hillary’s crime family isn’t as big as Obama’s crime family and if democrats fear a loss how far will they go? Just wait.


There’s going to be some changes. If Hillary leaves the campaign because of health reasons then what? The DNC can pick who steps in? Obama delay’s elections?

Mmmm, interesting couple weeks ahead.


Why Trump? 5 Reasons

Why Trump? 5 Reasons

The full brunt of liberal media, Obama’s social justice warrior crew, Hillary’s leftwing donors and foreign money are rolling in to the heir apparent Hillary Clinton….


Donald Trump is largely funding his own campaign, he’s getting donations from the people, he’s getting some business cash, some of his buddies throwing in some coin…

So there are our choices. Do not kid yourself, there is no other option. You can call yourself a “Conservative” and a “Principled” person.. You can “Vote your conscience” as Ted Cruz said.. Let me help your “Conscience”…


The Supreme Court of the USA… If Hillary wins, she may have 3 appointments to make. (For sure will have two, Scalia and Ruth G. odds are if Hillary wins, one more bails in order to keep his chair LEFT)

So we will have FIVE supreme court justices appointed by Obama and Hillary Clinton. Sotomeyer and Keagan from Obama and Hillary’s Three. Not enough to sway you? Read the opinions of both of Obama’s picks on every case they heard since they were sworn in. They were the minority on most, but would be majority after Clinton appointments.


So while you are hating Trump for your “Conscience” remember, Trump is a four year mistake if he’s terrible as POTUS, but his appointments are forever. Clinton is an eight year mistake because the media like they did for Obama carries that water the whole way. Her appointments are forever.

Choose wisely.

Also, if you voted for Romney in 2012, you can’t say you’re a “Principled” voter now… Just sayin.

RNC Closes out. Cruz, Trump rift still on.

RNC Closes out. Cruz, Trump rift still on.

Well, I don’t post here as much as I should. If anyone is still getting the feed, here goes some thoughts on the Republican National Convention that just ended.

Melania, gave a speech, I heard she gave a really good speech, it is very hard for me to listen to her because she is so damn HOT! Also heard she “Stole” a part of it from Michelle Obama. Which should be okay since that skank stole her’s from Saul Alinsky.

MSNBC host’s broke down in their safe spaces over Hillary merchandise.

Some moron lit a flag on fire and with it, himself. Good.

Sheriff David Clarke… WOW. STANDING OVATION.

Rudy, Rudy.. He knocked it out of the park.

A bunch of others landed truth bombs all over Cleveland.

Now onto Ted Cruz…. As anyone that knows me understands, I was on the Cruz crew all the way through the primaries. I voted for him even after he dropped out. He gave a great speech but nobody heard it. People were on the edge of their seats to hear him endorse Trump or to call out Trump by name in an insulting way. He did neither.

Cruz was never going to endorse Trump, Trump knew it. He read the speech before hand and allowed him to air it out. Trump didn’t stop it, didn’t even respond to anything Cruz said in his speech. Cruz was absolutely RIGHT in what he said. “Vote your conscience” is what we all should be doing. Trump exercised some leadership qualities I didn’t think he had by allowing Cruz a platform to air it out. Its not pretty, its downright ugly sometimes but the result may be a SCOTUS position or some other appointment requiring congress approval.

Trump took the high ground away from Cruz by letting him decide on national TV where his conscience and principles are. Will it end Ted Cruz? Doubt it, he gained a lot of respect for not bowing down to the king as Sanders did to the queen.

Trump’s speech: Said a lot of good things, went left as I figured but it’s understandable at this point. The NEVER TRUMP crowd means he has to replace them with the somewhat normal thinking centerist’s. Trump has to pull in to the tent. The unifying factor is COUNTRY and it always should be but it hasn’t been for the last two Republican POTUS candidates. Trump might have moved the polls a little to the Republican side but the DNC will likely move it back.

The thing people need to understand is: Romney was Hitler, McCain was Hitler, Ryan was Hitler, Boehner was Hitler… So when you hear “Trump is Hitler” you must ask yourself if its true that all the opposition is Hitler?… IF Kasich, Graham, Rubio, Walker or any other candidate was the nominee, the attack plan is the same. Let that sink in.

November can’t come soon enough, either we have Trump or Clinton. And as you remember from my way earlier posts, I was just fine with either Cruz or Trump so I’ll jump on that Trump train and hope we get CROOKED HILLARY IN PRISON rather than the White House.

Pray for our nation, pray that Trump wins or its truly over.