California is Bankrupt and Doubles Down

California is Bankrupt and Doubles Down

California, the land of fruits and nuts has decided that since they are completely broke and going deeper in the financial ditch they will build a high speed rail system… Whoo Hoo…  🙄

Via Brietbart

California lawmakers approved billions of dollars Friday in construction financing for the initial segment of the nation’s first dedicated high-speed rail line connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The move marked a major political victory for Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown and the Obama administration. Both have promoted bullet trains as job generators and clean transportation alternatives.

“No economy can grow faster than its transportation network allows,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in a statement applauding the legislative vote. “With highways between California cities congested and airspace at a premium, Californians desperately need an alternative.”

The bill authorizes the state to begin selling $4.5 billion in voter-approved bonds that includes $2.6 billion to build an initial 130-mile stretch of the high-speed rail line in the Central Valley. That will allow the state to collect another $3.2 billion in federal funding that could have been rescinded if lawmakers failed to act Friday.

You gotta love it. First part of the week some idiot liberal progressive legislator floats an “Anti AZ” Illegal Immigration amnesty bill and it’s gaining steam. Then at the end of the week this HSR crap passes. Perhaps Moonbeam and King Obama can smoke a blunt together and see what other stupid shit they can screw us with..

There’s more asshatery and dumbassery going on in DC and Sacramento than in the entire world combined. I seriously hope America wakes up soon and sees the damage the policies of CA do to this state so they don’t infect the nation too much more. Doubtful at best. How Obama is polling above 10% is beyond me. But then again, Moonbeam Brown was RE-ELECTED as Gov of CA. Good call idiots.

I guess this H.S.R will be real good for one way tickets. Businesses are already leaving this state at a record pace, when the taxes go up to pay for this “Train to Nowhere” and the seats are empty maybe the scrap metal will help recoup the costs.. Oh and to let you folks in America know this entire debacle is being financed supposedly by Chinese folks. How you like us now? “Financed by China” Paid back by whatever tax payers are left here. THEN the shocker.. Bail out from the federal government to add to the national debt.  Happy yet?

3 Replies to “California is Bankrupt and Doubles Down”

  1. This state is so far out there past reality it’s insulting to common sense. I want to move so badly, but alas I can’t at this time. Nobody in this state rides trains and buses. Look at the freeways during rush hour … one person one car.

    Our state deficit is how much now? isn’t it around 23 Billion with a “B”. I really don’t remember that bond issue. I guess it doesn’t matter I always vote against those anyway. This state wants to interfere with everything except gays in the bedroom in San Francisco. Don’t smoke anywhere there though.

  2. Back to reality:

    I submit there won’t be more than 40 — if that — miles built before it becomes waterlogged and HALTED in court.

    MUCH of the land that has to be approved, WON and then deeded HAS to pass through many environments hosting endangered and near-endangered animals.

    It will be the LEFTISTS themselves that will halt further construction of this incredibly INEFFICIENT boondoggle.


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