Burn the Koran, Don’t Build the Mosque, Radicals Attack…WOW.

Burn the Koran, Don’t Build the Mosque, Radicals Attack…WOW.

I’m about ready to change my position on the whole Koran burning thing. The idiot in Florida now seems like a Rhodes Scholar. Fire has not met page one in the Koran, yet we have numerous reports of “Islamic Rage” and “Islamic Threats”…Sheesh, I guess before this they were soooo happy with the western world and us “Non-Believers”

Iran’s main idiot says there will be blood if the Koran is burned, Our POTUS says we can expect suicide bombings in our nation if the Koran is burned, Petreyus says it will endanger troops…Oh man, that 50 person church congregation has a lot of power doesn’t it?

Where’s the Beer Summit POTUS? How about getting the Pastor and the Imam together and seeing if they can work out a deal? Maybe the pastor doesn’t burn the koran if the Imam doesn’t build the mosque on ground zero?

I say the pastor puts his plans on hold until the Mosque construction begins, at that point he may have many more supporters.

Look folks, America USED to be strong, we used to take threats and gut punch the threat makers, now we cower? WTF… I’m very close to starting my own Koran burning just because the “Plan” to do it, has so enraged the idiots. I want to see what an ACTUAL burning will do, that’s the kind of guy I am, up close and personal. Bring your best and be ready to be challenged.

Here’s what I’m willing to do Islamapukes. Listen up:

You stop the Imam from building the Mosque at Ground Zero, I’ll personally fly to Florida and de-nut that pastor before he puts flame to book. Your “sensitivities” are no more important than mine. You be sensitive to mine I’ll be sensitive to yours…How’s that for a deal?..

I don’t think I’ll be having to get a plane ticket. Muslims in our nation are scared of their own I guess…

So now building the Mosque on Ground Zero is not about “bridge building” it’s now about the threat of radicals being more radical. Why are we as a nation letting the radical elements of a cult dictate our future? Political Correctness has destroyed this nation, we can rebuild it though, let me run this nation for a about a week.


Looks like the Pastor has decided to cancel the Koran Burning:
Fla. minister cancels burning of Qurans on 9/11

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The leader of a small Florida church that espouses anti-Islam philosophy says he is canceling plans to burn copies of the Quran on Sept. 11.

Pastor Terry Jones said Thursday that he decided to cancel his protest because the leader of a planned Islamic Center near ground zero has agreed to move its controversial location. The agreement couldn’t be immediately confirmed.

Guess they listened…I’m not holding my breath on this but if it’s true that pastors congregation is about to grow….

3 Replies to “Burn the Koran, Don’t Build the Mosque, Radicals Attack…WOW.”

  1. So — was that pastor able to do with guile and wit — what officials in the United States were completely gutless and unwilling to do??

    That may turn out to be so. . .

    Thanks Obama. Thanks Bloomberg. Thanks Petraeus. Thanks for your support in New York City and the potential DESECRATION of Ground Zero.


  2. Where’s the outrage over the FACT that people are executed for owning a Bible in muslim nations? Where’s the outrage over the persecution of Christians by muslim nutjobs?

    I normally wouldn’t support the burning of a book either, but when that book is what the terror cult hides behind, and uses to justify their insane views (most of which are indeed supported by the text of that book), I really can’t complain.

    To those that say the burning of a few of these “holy” texts will endanger troops, I say, “Where have you been for the last nine years?” Our troops are already in grave danger, and being killed almost daily by muslim nutjobs. The appeasement approach does NOT work with the cult of evil (I refuse to call it the religion of peace, or even a religion for that matter).


  3. While I’m not one to celebrate gratuitous offensiveness, I’ve about had it with the MSM and gutless politicians wringing their hands whenever they perceive that somebody’s precious sensitivities have once again been stung. These Islamopsychos can burn as many Bibles & flags as they want (sometimes along with the folks that owned them), and nobody says a word; but let some backwoods preacher threaten a Bonfire of the Inanities, and all of a sudden our opinion-makers and erzatz leaders get their panties in a bunch. I’d say off with their heads, but the Muslims seem to already have a corner on that market…

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