Advice for Those behind enemy lines…

Advice for Those behind enemy lines…

That means ALL of us in California…. Time to stock up. Things in our state are about to go from bad to worse.

With the Cali-Courts upholding prop 8, the defeat of the “Tax the hell out of us” propositions.. California is about to take a leap into the abyss.

The voters have pissed off the LIBERAL LAW Makers, we are at odds with their beliefs (FINALLY) and they are going to make it painful for US.. Not the ILLEGAL Immigrant, those of us that still pay into the coffers…

State funding is being cut to the disabled, it is being cut from working Moms for childcare, and there are several areas of social programs to be cut or at least half funding. I think cutting state funding for those disabled is shitty but they will collect it from the fed . Anyway, the bottom line is folks are going to feed their families, so crime is going up… Oh and there is no money for extra police. So bottom line is be ready, and prepared. IF you live in a neighborhood get together with your neighbors and plan some “EYES ON” time, keep a look out because it’s coming.

4 Replies to “Advice for Those behind enemy lines…”

  1. Well, not only is there no money for extra police, but police are getting cut. I’m lucky because I have 30 years on, but in the first wave 125 deputies are getting cut in my department. We are told there will be a second wave. My entire division, that of training, is getting cut. Our entire aero fleet (helos and fixed wing) is getting axed. We layed off over 300 “on-call” deputies, which are limited-hour deputies with no benefits, mostly utilized in the jails and the courts.

    I may get demoted, I am told, but with my years on I’ll still have a job.

    If you’re a criminal, Fornicalia is a good place to be these days. If you’re a tax paying citizen, not so much.


  2. New York will be next to fall. With all these people out of work, plus the 2-3 milliuon already laid off, that means less money for the insatiable appatite of the big government monster and it’s not going to be fed and can’t borrow any more, it’s then going to start withering and dieing. Awwwwww, NOW that IS a shame. I feel so bad, especially for all the legal/illegal trash thats been suckin off the government tit for decades. :dancinghappy:

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