34 days until Independence Day

34 days until Independence Day

I sure hope they are right. Obama’s minions are on a full court press to sway the voters. With the same ol lies progressives/liberals/commies/marxist/socialists have been touting for over 70 years…It’s never been this close to a full on takeover of American values as it is right now.

Get out the vote…Matter of fact it may be a good idea to take a page out of the Democrat playbook and dig up a few voters, vote and vote often…

I will tell you this much, GOD help the “Voter Intimidation” SOB that shows up at my polling place. Game on.

One Reply to “34 days until Independence Day”

  1. I put my ballot in the mail on Thursday.

    Knowing what a deadbeat Boxer is, it still blows me away that countless dolts will still vote for her. The fishwrap in Frisco won’t even endorse her anymore, but the eternally needy will punch a chad for her.

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